aaaand on to this year. i never post on time.

Feb 11, 2010 23:40

So I guess there are a few things to be said, considering january of the new year is already over. Oops.

again, lessons learned and yadda yadda. same old shit, different year: people being dissappointing, people being amazing, a couple steps forward in the life department, and other losses both large and small.

There are some things that have happened I'd really just like to put down in writing so I can remember how I feel right now at this point.

I have come to the realization that I owe Sarah and Heather quite a lot. Due to their collaborative efforts, I was able to leave my job at the Aztec, regrettably but with much relief, and replace it immediately with working at Benihana. I honestly thought working at Benihana would just be a filler part-time job that I wouldn't learn to value too much, just to get me between the Aztec and something else. I was wrong. I love my job. I love my coworkers. It has taught me a lot about myself, and has actually influenced some of my bigger choices for the future. It's one of the few things I really don't want to leave when I move.

In early 2009, someone far too good for this world had to leave it.

OCC has been a long haul, but really, not really. I've surpassed my own expectations academically, and I've worked every day to place myself exactly where I want to be. I'm glad I didn't go anywhere else. This is exactly what I needed, and being home forced me to grow up a little bit more.

I also turned 20 this past year, which feels weird. 18 and 19 were both unimpressive to me, but now I feel like I should actually be persuading people that I'm doing worthwhile stuff. Which I am, but at least a year ago, it was pleasantly surprising.

I took a road trip after the New Year with Duff and Alana, which was a lot of fun. I enjoyed being back in that part of the country, and I was happy to see Billy, even if he does always forget to take out the garbage until 2am the day of. On our journeys we also stayed with Kelly and Mr. Chad, which was great. I loved seeing you guys! I really hope I can visit again soon. We had an interesting stop at Wendy's off of 95N in which my brand new "booty piercin'" had its debut to the world.

Oh and I can't forget Diana moving. As if my dwindling number of friends in this town needed to be down one more. I miss her all the time. <3

Oh, also there's this guy I've been seeing for a little over a year now.And, well, he's all right. He fills me with confidence and support when I most need it, and I think its in part to him that I've been able to be so focused on education and moving forward. I've never been in a relationship that is solid in itself, but also allows me to pay so much attention to myself as an individual.
I could also say here that we have so much fun together, he has introduced me to some really awesome people, his family and roommates all included.

Enough looking back. Here are the major pluses 2010 has in store:
1. I started working at the barn and riding again once a week. Man, I feel like I had the hugest hole ever that is getting filled back up. I love being back there, even if it is a little sad at times. Spending time with Sara is a huge plus. We are both currently in Life Transition Mode and I'm not sure that there's anything else in the world that could be better for me right now. I missed Chester. I love Chester. He's ambivalent toward me. I also love that.
2. I started serving at work, as opposed to hostessing. I've only worked a few days so far but I'm having a load of fun, I'm kept busy, it's more exercise, and it's just one more thing I missed doing, that I have back.
3. I am in line to graduate and whittling away at my Associate's. It should be complete by July 2010, putting me in place to transfer to Rutgers in the fall, which is the Plan. In fact, its the Only Plan. So please wish me luck in being accepted. I applied to the Animal Sciences program, hoping that to be my major, with a minor in Spanish.
4. Speaking of Rutgers, Sarah, Heather, and I have put down a deposit on a house on Delavan St in New Brunswick. I'm excited, a little scared, but mostly happy to keep my life rolling in its intended direction.
5. New baby cousin, Sophia!

All in all, I am completely stoked on life right now. Between school and work, things have gotten very stressful, not fun, and sort of lonely. But right now I feel like I'm on top of the world. I've never been so excited about the things in store for me.
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