TM Prompt 280: What do you think?

Apr 27, 2009 23:06


This is one of those trick questions, isn't it? The one where the person asking it doesn't actually care what you think. They're just trying to make you all embarrassed because you've spent all night saving the world and aren't really paying that much attention to American History 101. And then you get detention, and then Aunt Martha's all, "Oh, Conner", and Batman's pissed because you missed the JLA briefing again.

You know, just for example.

The thing is, no one ever asks my opinion in the Teen Titans either. It's always, "Robin, what's the plan?" "Bart, do you think you can do that?" "Cass, any ideas?" and "Kon, can you swing by Starbucks on your way to having bullets bounce off your chest?"

The good thing is that never having to have an opinion on anything takes some of the stress out of my life. Gotta catch forty winks somewhere, after all, and it might as well be in the middle of averting the destruction of the entire planet.

At least, that's what I think.

tm prompts

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