A Meme from Aunt Martha

Jan 08, 2009 13:12

1. name someone who made you smile today

2. what were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
Tripping over my underwear.

3. what were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Watching TV.

4. what was something that happened to you in 1992?
Um, nothing.

7. what color is your hairbrush?

8. what was the last thing you bought?

10. have you been to china?
Sure! I've been everywhere.

11. where do you keep your money?
In my pocket.

12. what was the weather like today?
Sort of miserable.

13. where did your last hug take place?
At the Titans Xmas party.

14. do you like peanut butter?
I like everything!

15. have you got a bf/gf?
I guess not, unless Bart came back. I have a date with Catwoman, though!

16. what song is on your i-pod/mp3 right now?
Feels Like Today by Rascal Flatts. Which is a silly name.

18. last person you kissed?

19. do you wanna cut your hair?
No. It's a real pain to cut.

20. are you over the age of 25?

21. do you talk a lot?
About normal, I think.

22. do you watch The OC?
Sometimes. I don't really keep up with TV.

23. does your screen name have an "x" in it?

24. do you know anyone named kelsey?
Don't think so.

25. favourite ice cream?
Cake Batter.

26. are you ticklish?

27. are you typically a jealous person?
Not really.

28. do you own a car?
No. Uncle Jonathan lets me drive the truck sometimes.

29. name a friend whose name starts with the letter "C"

30. who's the last person to call you?

31. last magazine you bought?
One on cars.

32. do you chew on your straws?
Hee. Yes.

33. do you have curly hair?

34. can you dance like a chicken?

35. sponge?

36. last concert?
A beach thing in Hawaii.

37. what is something you say a lot?

38. favourite color?

39. do you know what a plectrum is for?
It's a guitar strummy thing.

40. do you have to work tomorrow?
School and chores. Maybe some superheroing.

41. who do you live with?
My Aunt & Uncle, and Krypto Shelby.

42. who was the last person you said "i love you" to?
Aunt Martha. When she made cookies!

43. what should you be doing right now?

44. do you have a nickname?
Superboy. Kon.

45. you a heavy sleeper?

46. do you snore?
I don't know...

47. what is the best movie you've seen in the past two weeks?
Iron Man.

48. is there anyone you like right now?
No one really special.

49. when was the last time you did the dishes?
Last night.

50. did you cry today?
No way!


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