On July 6th, I said goodbye...

Jul 09, 2009 14:59

(x-posted from my Furaffinity account)

...to my gall bladder.

I'll sum it up as best as I can: On June 5th, after a heck of a barbecue binge on the 4th, I went to the hospital to deal with the fact that I was puking like mad and wasn't stopping. This isn't a new thing for me; 3 years ago a similar situation happened and it was said to have been gastritis.

This time, however, they included a sonogram in the checkup. That's when a doctor (that we dubbed Dr. House for his...tact)  up and told me "you got a rock". And sometime later we asked him what to do and the answer was, to put it plainly, surgery.

Not since I was 8 had I ever been hospitalized. The surgery was on the very next day (6th) and I was released on the 7th (you can joke that my gall bladder went to join MJ at his memorial...if you've got a sick enough sense of humor).

So needless to say, my time online will be scarce, as I'm still healing from the surgery and it kind of hurts to sit up right now. To those I owe commissions (that'd be you, ReDaDillio), my apologies for the wait. Note me if you can't wait and want a refund instead.

Also I should note, I left behind my celphone's charger and I'm out of juice, I'll not be able to talk to anyone that way until Saturday, when dad will lend me his. Sorry about this.
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