Random Artistic Brainstorm: Carosello

Mar 31, 2009 18:54

Don't mind me, just jotting down an idea while it's mostly fresh...well technically it was started last night, but between doodling, torrenting Xam'd, playing Pokemon Platinum and just...not...remembering to write this down then, I'm writing it down now. Can anything be done with it? Hell if I know.

Sketches based on this mental brainstorm will be uploaded later.

Tentative project title: Carosello

Visual element: Armored animals with pointed drill- like protrusions on chest region and back, representing carousel 'stands' (tubes? I think that's the term). floating orbs gyrate over each end, the one on the back not only being larger but also acting as a floating axis to bladed weapons that the user can use to battle against others of its kind. If you've ever seen Amaterasu from Okami fight with her disklike(mirror) weapon is in its sword form, that's partially the visual I'm aiming for - creatures battling with swords, lances, axes and the like that they control by sheer will with the back-orbs being the focal point. Most fight with one or two, 'boss' creatures probably having multiple weapons.Horselike beasts are referred to as 'Carus' (Carousel) while those shaped like most other animals are referred to as Merigo (Merry-Go-Round). Tentatively want to make something based off Chariots (also called lover's seats...the chairs, essentially), but nothing comes to mind except maybe large, bulky humanoid golems with the same stands and weapons as the others.

Additionally, I drew up an additional character based on this idea currently nicknamed Dentzel, a teenage girl who ends up being transported to this world and having the same drill-stand things sprouting from her body, allowing her to control a floating blade of her own. Her story, should one ever exist, will be told once I have a better grasp as to where I'm going with this.

Where Am I Going With This: Right now, no idea. I simply write it down in the hopes of someday finding a means to flesh this out in some way, from an art series to a full-out story. Until then, I'll just write this down for the sake of reemembering will the time comes. Should other ideas unrelated to this come up, I'll see about writing them on my journal, too.


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