
Nov 24, 2009 02:42

Everybody go *GASP*! I'm posting again!

So. I don't really have anything to say. I just wanted to write, and pretend that somebody will actually read this.

This place used to be so much fun. When I came here it was like I had somehow managed to find my own personal paradise, as corny as it sounds. And there was ups and downs and I've probably written here mostly about the downs but all in all, it was nice. I liked being here. I was relatively happy.

That lasted for about six months. And now it's all falling apart. My best friend left almost a month ago. I dealt with that. I had to. I don't like the girl who took her job. Not at all. I call her "The Monster", that should give you some kind of clue about how I feel about her.

But still. I thought I could live with this. I still had my other great friend with me, and I could talk to her about everything.

Then she told me she was leaving and I swear to God, my world stopped for a minute there. I couldn't believe it! She was just gonna fuck off to goddamn Jylland and leave me here alone with The Monster!

That moment was the beginning of yet another low phase. And the weather wasn't helping at all. It was dark and grey and it was raining non-stop. Then I got sick. Just a flu, nothing fancy. Or maybe it was the swine flu, I wouldn't know, I never went to the doctor. And of course, I had a lot of work also. And I just couldn't handle it all. I could barely get through my work days, and I had to kick myself to do the tasks my boss wasn't supervising. I just got really really really tired. Whenever I had a day off I didn't even get out of bed the whole day. I just slept. And even when I woke up I just checked the time and went back to sleep. I stopped eating again. It's a new thing, a habit I've only got while in here, but whenever I'm stressed or sad I just can't eat. Not that I eat that much even when I'm okay... I'm a horrible cook and a shy eater. Not a good combination.

Anyway, I'm getting over it. I'm spending a lot of time with the one who won't ever leave me, my horse. Of course now that I say this he probably gets a laminitis or colic and dies... Ugh, I really shouldn't think about things like that. It's like my horse is the only thing that can make me happy nowadays. And while it's good that there's at least something that does that, it's also unbelievably pathetic. Oh well...

This probably makes no sense cos it's like 2:30AM and I'm really tired but I can't sleep and I'll most likely be late for work, AGAIN, tomorrow but anyways. Love you all!

P.S: How do you tell someone to leave you the hell alone without being impolite?
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