The "Shortage" of .22 LR: The Real Story

Dec 10, 2013 15:18

[Karma fronting]

You wanna know what's *really* causing the shortage of .22 LR?

Completely worthless pieces of shit like this guy, who are ordering all they can get and then selling it for *far* too much. Those two boxes of 555 at MSRP, would be $61.

So, for those of you who go to gun shows, please, do us all a favor: call these assholes out on it. Don't mince words. Call them pieces of shit, to their faces, in front of everyone. Spread the word that this asshattery isn't to be tolerated.

For those of you with a gun broker account, since you actually are risking something by treating these shit sacks the way they deserve, send them messages, daily if you have the time, politely asking them how they can sleep at night considering they're shitting on their fellow gun owners who are already feeling sufficiently shat upon.


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