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komorebi_chan November 17 2008, 09:20:38 UTC
HAHA no matter how good JH looks he can't match up to the jin ki XD LOOL

I talk AND I fold airplanes XD You know your brother's my age but for some reason when you talk about him I picture someone younger than me XD I don't know why D:

Yeah LOl she showed me her first icon, and it was 'surprisingly' ^cough^ of jae joong XD You know I don't even know what my first icon was. I know my first icons but not icon ;__: so sad...OMG YES I would so start a comm with you HAHA, though I am clueless about names. any good ones I can think of are always taken :X

BoA passed out? :O LOL I think I kind of saw it but I don't remember, but I saw the pictures XD sheaux said she was talking to people and they were telling her how they wante d to get the video for that HAHA I swear its sounds so perverted in a way...
Oh I'm not sure if I have more males than females, I think its quite equal for me. But for males there's only a few artists that I truly love, while for females I have quite a few favourite artists :X i must like girly music or soemthing XDDD AH i would murder anyone who did that with the SHINee boys as long as I don't like them beforehand. They have to at least be worthy 8D I don't like randoms :\ Though if it was minho, I would be crushed either way ;__; HAHA so TOP is the slut instigator XD

WEll it was good it was weekend, or I wouldn't have stayed up. I probably would have switched it off right after I saw the SHINee 8D LOL I think I already killed mine, pictures are loading slowly D: But its going to refreshed in two days so I don't mind. I think I was actually pretty good with my internet usage/spending this month XD HAHA yeah arashi, despite them being nearly old bags now I still find them so adorable XD


twee16 November 17 2008, 23:27:59 UTC
HAHAH HE CAN NEVER COMPARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahahah u do both? dude naughty naughty naughty!!! lol hahah i have 3 bros bythe way..did i ever tell u that? lol the one i mentioned is the 18 yr old. then theres one ur age then the baby...who's 10 T-T i have a big family XD its never quiet! lol

hahah Jaejoong? OMG thats so typical but oh soo cute!!!!!! i dont think u wanna know ur first icon it will be like...OMG i did that? O_o thats not even ps! thats gross *gringe* lol i know! we should!!! i can start thinking of some...hmmmm *thinks* still got nothing..depends what kinda name we wwanna go for..an artsy name? or something fun and stupid XDDDDDDDDD

yeah she passed out...ive never seen it though...but ive seen the dance and OMG really good!!! i think that yr dbsk cshj and suju kinda did a dance thing! together lol i loved that performance. in that yr there dbsk also performed "iyah" but HOT i think or something cant remember who orginally sang it BUT OMG sooo good! they looked and sounded soo good! makes me wanna go watch it again *goes thru archives* OMG i have soo many dbsk performances T-T lol
hahaha i would so kill the other person if they were some random too!
and seriously the kiss is really cute! like its part of the act..he goes to kiss her forehead hesitates looks around..MEGA ARSE GRIN on his face then quickly kisses her!!!! and all this time Hyori looks expressionless cos i bet if she had the slightess grin the fangirls would be at her!

ahhh turned it off right after shinee...yfair enough..i always like to watch it thru cos u might be surprised with the acts which come out! lucky ur is being rereshed soon! i just got the throttle warning yesterday for my peak time...so i can do much during peak or i'll have to live with athe slow net for a wk T-T but hey at least i can still dl during off peak LOL..i just have to wake up at random times now LOL


komorebi_chan November 18 2008, 09:16:32 UTC
HAHA *pats JH's head*

yeah..i actually fold airplanes..I think I sound very sad now XD Yeah you did and how you put facial produces and stuff on them XDDDI'm a small family ;__; Only four+dog :D

LOL well I know my first iconS (emphasis on the S XD)I should so post them one day in the future and LOL at my fail 8D LOL I don't consider non-ps icons to be real icons. I onyl ever cropped in things outside of PS XD The same friend who just started ps-ing, there was this one time where she had a dp of jaejoong, but it was weird because it had that bar at the bottom where it tells you the pictures size, so I told her to crop it out LOL. She cropped it on paint and she was like really proud of herself. And me and my friend were just like OMG LOOL WHAT A NOOB XDD LOl I am not creative with text/titles....hmm I dunno. Artsy might be more timeless btu I liek funny names better usually. WE SHOULD MAKE IT HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH SHINee 8D *SPAZZES* *runs away before getting rejected XD*

Whoa, she must have been owrking hard... Wow all three bands? HAHA yea, I'm already getting lsot in my SHINee files. Its hard watching things on my iPod when they're all under crazily long tags...I'll categorize it later~
LOl omg I need to see that XD HAH hyori's smart, she knows if she makes it look like she really enjoys it those Korean fangirls will be hunting her down D:

I should have done that, I wasn't reall paying attention after. But there were some bits where SHINee appeared like somewhere on the screen, but they came so few and so far apart ;__; HAHA refreshed XD ugh I hate waking up early for off peak. There was a poitn where I got so desperate to spend the off peak before the on peak gets wasted, since the rule is after you waste on peak, off peak goes as well ;__;, so yeah I started waking up at 4am instead of 5:20...Though i went back to sleep after I finished downloading a few things 8D...Now don't look at me like I'm weird .__.


twee16 November 18 2008, 22:53:51 UTC
i never knew ppl folded airplanes at school. at our school it was the whole srunch up paper ot eraser peices!! lol hahah i did too! i cant believe u actually remember! lol they secretly enjoy the facials!!!!!! without me they wouldnt have an excuse for them! lol

haha...i should look for my first icons! i've got them somewhere im sure! hahaha and OMG at ur friend! how cute is that!!!! lets do artsy and SHINee!!!!!!!!!!!!! that'd be soo cute since thats how we met and all!!

hahah u should see my file names T-T its really messy. its gotten to a stage where this year im going to make a file for end of year award shows where as their other performances will stay in their my videos files under 2008 performances. then the pic's files T-T sooo bad!!!!! i have to clean it up so i can find them easier T-T
i know! Hyori had to do it that way! supposedly the whole kiss was a request from the mkmf organisers!!! what were they thinking of killing hyori's career! but it looks to have worked out well! so im glad

]hahah wake up and dl and then go back to bed? OMG i do that too!!! so dont feel ashamed! surprisngly my off peak doesnt die if my peak does,....i think? lol ive gone over peak once and then i went off my off peak a few days later..so for them to say that means it doesnt. should up grade my net usage again lol


komorebi_chan November 19 2008, 11:09:55 UTC
LOL dude..I just saw the comment count LOL its like 41 now including this comment. And this isn't even an icon post XD

yeah, we actualyl do it :D You think its a thing they only do in movies and such XD LOL scrunch..makes me think of that 'Are you a folder or a scruncher add' add XD You knwo people a tmy old school threw pens around for fun, it was fun until one of the girls got hit in the head and started bleeding D:
HAH I still got mine, and even if I delete them from my folder, they're on PB LOL I got my first signature and wallpaper as well. But the wallpaper doens't really count, because I made that when I wasn't SO noob. In fact my first wallie is that Aya Ueto one that you saw in the icon post where we met XDDD

LOL NO SHE IS RETARTED XD I will continue to mock her for that for the rest of HER LIFE LOOL! yeah I'd love for it to have soemthing to do with SHINee..I wonder what though XD

HAHA pic files I don't bother. Only one's that are sorted are all my pbs. I swear you have no idea how many pbs I have in my picture folder :D SHINee..their folder is so meddy.I even made SHINee folder to put SHINee pics and vids in for itself on my desktop D: Everytime I save SHINee pics, if I saw it in a new folder and when they get too full I create a new folder. I guess its my own way of keeping them classified to the period in which I saved them XD
OH WHAT IT WAS A REQUEST? LOL they better nto kill her career from that! especially since she's so popular right now~ Yeah, thank god shes nto being attacked. I guess if all the fans of big bang come to kill her there's always the army of hyori fans to stand up against them XDD

Yup :D Its ahrd though, cause the computer makes sounds when its on... OH WHUT!? dkfnSKNk you are so luckly. i wonder how much is unlimited internet? I wonder how much more it is than my internet right now :\


komorebi_chan November 19 2008, 11:11:51 UTC
um that was me, but i guess you could tell already XD WHY DID LJ SIGN ME OUT?!


twee16 November 19 2008, 21:28:50 UTC
hahahaha...its cos we keep talking way too much!! lol

OMG folder and sruncher add!! lol toilet paper! hahahah u weirdo! ur school sounds violent! how could they freely throw pens and pencils! but dont worry...i thiknk there was a stage where the guys were throwing pencil cases T-T has ur year group scared off any student teachers? made them cry? we have...in yr 10 the eng class next door to us made the female teacher cry! but she stayed to finish her student teaching which was good of her i thought! whereas my yr 10 society and environment refused to do any work that after like 3 lessons with us...he NEVER CAME BACK!! hahahah but then again he had other classes he taught too i think lol

OMG u made ur wallie soo late!!!! whoa...jealous T-T my first wallie was craptastic XDDD really bad hahahah

hahah its ur job as a friend to mock her!!! lol im sure we can think of something...i'll start thinking now lol

hahah i always separate ids and pics from one another..too messsy otherwise. but ur method makes sense.
yeah a request...but i dont think its done too much damage...i dont pay too much attention to it cos iy doesnt really affect me...most BB fans used to b se7en and 1tym fans and supposedly Taebin aka Danny liked her? or something and se7en..so they'll learn to cope!

my net? my net sucks...its 25/25 abt 70? or so i cant remember how much i pay...but it'll go back down by feb...cos im the only one that dls


komorebi_chan November 20 2008, 07:44:37 UTC
HAHa that was the best add man~ Yeah it was, punch ons were kind of a weekly thing.LOL no but we kind of made a real teacher leave D: LOl I feel bad for all the teachers/student teachers

Yeah, I was too scared to make one early on cause I thought i would fail since people always made wallies sound way harder to do.LOL *wonders how bad* XD

LOl you keep saying you'll start thinking LOL its hard thinking of names :\

oh nah I do seperate vids and pics, I meant I do that for the pictures XD, videos i actualyl do sort them out under categories after I download a bunch of new videos, I'll put them into their according folders XD
HAHA I think that is so true abotu the Se7en and 1tym fans ebing BB fans as well XD My firend's originally a Se7En fan, and she moved onto BB this year~ Well I think it was this eyar, since she didn't sapzz about them last year. They were on hiatus or something weren't they..or am i thinking of soemthing else :X HAHA don't trust my knowledge XD

I wonder hwo much we're currently paying for ours D: I wish I had unlimited, it would amke life so much easier ;__;'

oh btw, I'm in the city all day this tuesday for speech night and rehearsals~ There will be times I'm not available since I'll be in the town hall but I think half the day I'm just bumming in the city, so perhaps we can meet then XD is it okay for you? I need to find out the timetables for when I'm trapped in the town hall and when I'm not XD


twee16 November 20 2008, 23:55:37 UTC
hahah it was a funny add! hahah u've made a teacher leave? OMG lol i think we did that to our french teacher! but that was our whole year group! lol..but i never expected an all girls scvhool to do something like that! lol

hahah fair enough..but wallies have the same concept of a wallie..but more space T-T hahah trust m,e i dont even know where it is! lol

hahah i know T-T its hard...im thinking like.."shining light"? but that has NOTHING to do with icons whatsoever..then i was hmm maybe we should take a title of one of their songs?...maybe..AMIGO? lol

no...BB had an ASWEOME year last year...ive been into them since the begginning...so since..."lalala" lol lots of se7en fans would have loved BB cos at the beginning se7en criticised them a lot...for their improvement..especially on when theyre rehersing for performances...wanting them to be the bext he gave them a lot of things to think of whilst perfomring so they can be the best...plus YG...most YG fans love most of the stuff which comes out from all YG artist lol

unlimited would be awesome but evenm aus's unlimited is LIMITED!!! WHF..i hate the net in aus T-T my korean friend keeps remimnding me of the awesome net in korea! T-T

im pretty free at the moment...hardly working at all T-T so whenever u want to meet up..we can..we can have lunch if u have time LOL


twee16 November 20 2008, 23:59:47 UTC
also..i gave u her communtiy T-T sorry..her lj account is e7erlasting


komorebi_chan November 22 2008, 05:39:42 UTC
HAH nah, this was my old school that kicked the teacher out. None of that here, I don't think anyone would dare to stand up to teachers...

yeah but that's why I think wallies are kind of hard, you have to fill space, without making it look awkward XD

HAHA well I don't think it HAS to have something to do with icons, but its obviously better. But i've seeen many random named icon comms in my lj life~ I wish SHINee would come out with a song right now that would be suitable for an icon comm name XD the thing about AMIGO is, its a really common word, well at least in spanish XD

HAHA see I know nothing abotu them :DHAHA he criticized them for tehir improvement XD But its sounds so sweet that he's supporting them. Makes me think of DBSK and SHINee~ Ahh the sunbae + dongsaeng love ♥

LOL unlimited is limited in AUS? I think I should go look up this unlimited internet and see it for myself ;__; Yeah, I have friends from SG who get like 2MBs per second when they download, and they still call it slow. Min is probably only 500kb..and thats when its working rpetty fast ;__;

HAHAI called yo yesterday, cause we stayed back to buy presents for our class mates D: Well I'll call you on Tuesday when I'm out of rehearsals, since we have like a few hours bumming time before the actual ceremony/speech night or whatever you want to call it D: HAHA lunch, that'd be cool. We'll see if we have time. OMG you should SO go photoworld with me 8DD AND WIN TOFUS!

HAHA i realized, and I know her...well I don't know her know her. But I've seen her around...that probably sounds stalkery...NO I JUST HAVE GOOD MEMORY D:
But yeah, her lj names is over basically every fandom I'm into. I see her a lot in the JE fandom too. She really lives in Melbourne? You know her personally or through lj? XD Man, so many fangirls in Aus. there's even a large concentration of them in my school D:


twee16 November 25 2008, 23:12:10 UTC
ohhhh ur old school, makes more sense now

thats true..hence why i've kinda stopped working on wallies...i only do them for myself if i can be bothered lol that and hardly anyone makes for my size T-T

yeah...the sunbae and dongsaeng relationship...gotta love it...i know all the YG sunbaes really do look out for the BB boys...i think its great...and i love how DBSk and SHinee are so close XDDD

hahah u never knew that unlimited is limited in aus? oh trust me..its NOT unlimited!!! ive had unlimited before but i just dl too much before i get capped..so this current one im on works out well for me..its just i have to get used to the off peak thing T-T but OMG ur SG friends should feel for us aussies!!!!!! the net in aus really suck..we're soo behind T-T

LOL im sorry abt tuesday T-T i should have gone out but i was just so tired still from a friend's convo which took all night T-T u dont go to the city once u've finished school? we should meet up properly sometime!!! eat and yeah...photoworld rofl

i've known her for a few yrs now? but we havent met a lot in person...we met thru a forum...se7enth heaven...se7en fans LOL and yes..HUGE JE fan!! especially NEWS!!!! loves ryo!!! lol but yeah...she moderates a community and she normally on alot. really nice girl! and likes JH!!!
hahah large concentration at ur school? really...whoa...i guess its pretty normal to realise that us asians actually do listen to similar things lol


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