hahah they would never pack it in different tubes!!!!!. but i'll be sure to bring a tube for u to put it in..i have plenty of tubes from yesasia T-T...all my posters are still in tubes lol but i know what u mean XD its only safe that way!!! umm..monday is good..any time is fine XDDD i have no lans as such..and iof i do i can work around them lol going for crepes maybe if a friend isnt working..and passing on some random stuff to a friend of a friend later in the day already hahahah
omg sorry..my bad T-T hahaha but mon or tue is fine anytime
serious? OMG i hate big spoilers like that! how could she do that! if u dont know how to use it then dont post!! arghhhh
hahah finish ur school work!!! its nearly the end of the yr..so wont be long til u can ps? lol but i agree!! lj has standards! i hate myspace..ok i have an account but i dont use it! and some stuff on that site is bad..ok most! not to mention all the ads T-T i dont mind facebook though..its simple and u cant do much to it which is good i guess..even if there are a few ads..its not as annoying as myspace
really? enjoying being part of the crew now though? cos it would be nice wouldnt it? but at the same time more work which creates more stress??? hahah trust me i am...just lazy and this is just easier LOL i hate ads soo annoying T-T
hahah i know! i know i have an account where im balloons??? lol i really cant remember but its just soo ma=uch easier using ONE name for all things relating to my fangirling hahaha
OOH A TUBE! WHEEE~ Thank god you have some to spare, I was afraid of your OCD XDDD so I thought it might not be alright~ oh really any time? I can come after school then. How about at Melbourne Central, since the train station's there as well 8D ooh and give me your number so I can call you to tell you when I get there. I should be there around 3:30+PM but I'll text/call if anything happens D: *needs to remember to keep her phone on XD* I'll send you my number through e-mail right now then~ Oh and at MC, would you like it to be in the central area where the clock and red seats are, the station, or outside of MC..HAHA just anywhere, tell me where you want to meet I don't really care where 8D (as long as its not secluded GAHAHA XD)
Yeah, someone told her off before I got to though, so I couldn't be all mean and go OMG YOU IDIOT! sdKFNSKFNK *sadface* XD
yeah trying to, lucky dig art is quite easy for me to do. The only thin I hate about it is the 'design process' where we have to record how we came up with ideas.. Its hard for me cause most things I just do it on impulse O__O Yeah facebook is okay, its doesn't look..as cheap XD Myspace, every time my friends ask me to go see theirs..I try to refrain cause they always look so ..bad .___. I love lj the msot though. Only thing I btoher to use. I have myspace and facebook but I never use them~ I created the accounts back when people had no idea what they were, so even if I did want to use them. Back then..there would be no one to like chat/comment/stalk XD I liek the fact that lj has comms, and not just groups but actual comms. I think thats why people like it so much~
Yup i am, feels special HAHAH Yeah I do get quite a bit of graphic work from them. Like every few days, LOl I actually rejected some work yesterday cause I had to tell sanbi aka the admin that I wanted to concentrate on work..and that I was on a semi-hiatus .___. I hope she's not mad. I DID WRITE IN THE HIATUS THREAD! Just i don't think she saw~
HAHA balloons, *thinks of dbsk* Your names are all simple, I guess tahts good so you don't forget what they are. I find it weird that some people have username's that are like skdf*insertname*31987 and they put all retarted symbols... Yeah I'm trying to stick to one name. I really only use two so its okay, even if I don't remember which to use I just try with the other one :D
dude i have HEAPS to spare!!! dude..thats why OCD is good!!! i keep all the tubes! hahaha mc sound good..i was thiking in meeting in a back alley...muahah jk jk..anywhere is fine XD whichever is easier for YOU~!!!!! u can decide cos u have a massive bag to carry
i hate the recording process in art too! but i painting as my major..not digi art in yr 12. lol but i agree with fb and myspace i try to leep it strictly ppl friends that i actually know...im slowly going thru it to delete ppl. as for lj..its where i go to fangirl and meet new ppl XDDDD
i can imagine u would get quite a lot of graphics to do! i think she'll get over it..cos even in ur sig it says ur on semi hiatus.
hahah yes! dbsk! lol i like simple names..easy to remember! i have the worlkds worst memory!!! its just easier having something u use all the time..i have 4 different types of passwords too...lol email is one..uni mail is another fourms etc are another and paypal/money related is another hahahah it just makes life easier
LOL..*imagines a cupboard filled with poster tubes XD* :OO NO THUY IS A RAPIST PSYCHO We'll just say the center then yeah, with the clock and red seats? Its probably easy to find you there, cause its got a lot of space. LOL well hmm I guess it might be easier if you tell me how to identify you? Me I'll just be a school girl with a lame school bag and I'll be Asian XD GREAT DESCRIPTION YAH?!Well I think I can identify you, if I see someone carrying a poster tube or something? Or I can just call you in there and then see which girl picks up her phone? HAHAHAH
Yeah, its bloody annoying. I think its stupid to record these kinds of things, I don't necessarily think all the great artists of our time initially planned out everything before they did it. I always thought art/graphics/design were But the whole process makes it sound like its science or something :X Yeah, well I never used my myspace, I didn't even know i had an account...so yeah no worries there XD But for facebook I kept it friends only. LJ is now friends only but that's actually only because I don't want people from my school reading all my entries XD HAHA funny, it should be the other way around XDD
yeah, and its hard coming up with new ideas all the time. Especially with the limit of pictures to use. Liek before, when amigo came out all the otehr graphic artists were turning in graphics with the new album pictures. SO its just like, I felt I couldn't use them as well, since it looks so repetitive...HAHA yeah, I put it there so that she would have no excuse even if she tries to tell me off XD
WHOA four different types? I have like there though technically two are the same, my lj pw and msn are the same, but lj forced me to add a number onto it... Then there's my school pw. HAHA its Onew Sangtae right now XDDD
hahah dude....i dont have that many!!! and guess what..i have to give u the tube it came in..cos allthe others are too short in length! hahah thuy is a weirdo!..as for psycho..i think im quite there..yet! hahah want a picture? lol...i'll have a red bag...its red and white stripes..with the red nose toy thing hanging off it? with the poster tube! hahaha
art is more of an impulse thing..sometimes just one thing..no matter how strange it is..can be the inspiration for it all!!! but u know schools...they have to make sure they've taught u "something" hahah u dont want to start using myspace..i use it everynow and then..cos im afraid to delete it cos i have some friends who are just on there..and wont come over to fb...but i think its going to be deleted very soon. hahah LJ's always been friends only..i have a few public stuff..but everything i write is normally friends only XD and for the same reason as u..that and cos im random
i can imagine..new pictures..everyone jumps on them like theres no tmr!! so sometimes it good having a big archive file with photos and what not in it!
what can i say..im weird...but i think its cos it helps me differeintiate the importance of it?
HAHA I'm sorry I took the good amigo tube XD, weird why are the tohers shorter D:
"as for psycho..i think im quite there" haha guessing you typoed/missed out a word :O
HAHA I don't really care, it might help in identifying you.red nose toy XD? I think of moogles when you say that *O*
Yeah exactly I do get inspiration from weird things sometimes. HAHA yes schools, they know the things the teach us is next to nothing, so they force us to record such 'processes' I'm scared to take my mum to a parent teacher meeting. And they'll be like so what have you learned in school, what do you like?..and I'll be like umm yeah =___=
HAHA well, at least you can delete yours, I can't even get into mine! But you know, my friend said she found another Sarah Tan on myspace, who lives i n MELBOURNE!And it wasn't my account cause it had another girls picture on it. Now that wouldn't be me unless if the girl was Ayu XDD Oh really? I didn't knwo your journal was F-O Probably cause your F-O banner is on the front page XD Yeah half my things are actually F-O Its only the things I don't want my RL friends reading. my lj friends probably think I'm weird for going F-O and not turning ALL my posts F-O...Hopefully they don't even realize~
yeah its kind of scary how fast these people are. OH i swear, last night when I was watching MKMF, on the sideline i was like on lj...I swear you have no idea how many updates there were on all the kpop comms by all those crazy batshit fangirls :D I swear I some posts that contained the same things but were done by different members, its like they were racing who could post what video first >__> I'm thankful I'm not like that...
haha differentiate the importance? Sounds like there's a hierarchy your pws or seomthing XD
hahah...cos this poster is longer/wider? doesnt really matter..i love the picture XDDDDDD u'll love it too!!!!!!
hahah yeah...it was supposed to read.."not quite there" lol *died*
hahah...yeah..red nose day..that orange thing with a massive red nose! lol i can always give u pictures..if u want =or just click on my msn..ive got a pic of me and a friend as a dp...scrap that u've seen me now lol
hahah i dont think teachers asked "s o what have u learnt at school?" its a stupid question..most of the time parents want to know if u've been behaving and if there are any problems...screw if ur learning..as long as u have homework they think ur learning something at school/...gotta love azn parents sometimes lol
hahah yeah...u cant remember ur pw?...well as long as theres nothing embarassing ur fine! and another sarah tan???? ohhh...maybe u should check her myspace out LOL jk jk hah it is FO i should really make a FO banner for my journal..im just too lazy at the moment lol. hahah most of the time ppl dont realise unless theyre new ???
hahah dude..i know how many updates! cos i subscribe to them! soo by this morning all these links for dls were up! i have soo much to dl..but i want to dl the whole show too..and thats always the hardest to find T-T
MOOHAHA Its good its bigger, more SHINee pixels on the psoter XD Haha, its jsut the same one on the album cover yeah. I already love that. They look so cute on it!
LOL yeah I kind of figured that XD
LOL I had to look up the roange thing to see what it looked like~ Yup Sarah saw you already XD
haha omg behavior...I need to be good next year =__= I pissed off my maths teacher bad the other day...;___; I need to go do maths before I get killed...
Nope, I didn't ever remember I signed up, so like screw remembering the pw XDN ah I don't think there is~Yeah its scary, I already did, kind of. Only like the opening thing when you see their photo/age/location not actually in in XD You should , i want to see your graphics!yeah or unless you look for the actual lock icon. Which i never do when I read other peoples entries so hopefully that works vice versa?
HAHA the whole show, thats crazy to download it all D: 4 hours man X.X IO only dling SHINee cuts. I already watched it all yesterday...eyah I stayed up again..Oh did you see the TOP and Hyori kissing? LOL I think a lot of fangirls died last night, especially cause it hyori. You can't compete with Hyori XD
hahah i know! its one of my favourite pics of them..cos all of them look soo happy!!!
hahah u pissed off ur maths teacdher? for what talking? throwing paper airplanes??? lol nah if ur mum ask the right questions it wont be brought up...maybe
did she look..weird? lol or was that locked too?
i will...i'll slowly work on one...normally my friend would make me one..cos im soo lazy but i have heaps of time so why not XDDD lol but my graphics arent great..i havent touched ps in soo long T-T that i need to get more better looking textures hahahah
yeah...the show..i did it last yeah..i like seeing it all..fast forwarding thru the boring stuuff too hahah yeah i saw Top + hyori..damm...all top lovers died!!! sp glad im not into top..reminds me of my cousin lol im slowly getting the shinee cuts now...cant wait to watch them XDDDD Mkmf award shows are always awesome to watch!!!!!
yeah its shows the love~ And I'm no hardcore JH fan but he looks SO adorable on the Amigo photos. His bling bling smile is to die for *O*
..I actually do both XD But its cause we weren't working in class hehehe
HAHA you have nice friends XD Well I'd think your graphics are at least decent. My friend started to graphics the other day XD I'm so proud of her. I can't wait till she gets more pro. Maybe we could open up our on comm HAHAH TEXTURES=LOVE, my friend likes brushes, I think brushes are iffy XD I can't place them well and tehy make every look blobby ad out of place D:
HAHA it was my first time this year, only because of SHINee~ I didn't see top and hyoris kiss, I was probably on a another screen at the time, but i saw their performance and i was like YAYA hyori~ man, I think I'm one of the few girls that like girl artists as well as boy bands. All my firends into boy bands HATE girl artists..its sad D: HAHAHA I wonder if they're crying over there i nthe big bang comm? XD Yes good its him and not one of our boys D: I wouldn't want to bring myself to start hating hyroi XDD
I watched some this morning, haven't downloaded the hard versions yet. No rush hehehe yeah, its exciting cause its live yeah? My first time watching live tv was for arashi's variety show in japan. I was spazzing about it with my mum, even though we couldn't understand most of it, it was really exciting XDD
most definitely! how theyve all grown to become soooo close! hahah i know! Amazingly JH looks really good XDD but i cant stop staring at JinKi LOL *gets shot*
hahah do both? lol for not working in clas??? thats it? dont worry abt that then. the maths teacher will get over it...yes teacher not teach her rofl T-T i know my bro does that all the time in one of his maths class that he's failing..but acing the other lol
OMG she just started? those are the best times cos ur sooo noob! LOL she likes brushes? i find them iffy too..thats cos i dont know how to use them where! prefer textures XDDDDDDD omg start our own comm? how fun qwould that be!!!!!!!! *thinks up a name*
yeah..understandable...i always love mkmf...ever since a few yrs back when my riend showed me boa's girls on top vid where she ended up passing out post perf..ive always loved watching it..cos she talked it up! lol do u want to see the hyori top kiss??? its already on youtube somewhere! or ive got dl links rofl hahah im like u...but i seem to have a bigger list of male bands/singers that i like more. i would have cried soo much if any of the shinee boys did that..ok maybe not cry but be crushed cos its HYORI!!!!!! but i wouldnt have disliked her in anyway...its not like she kissed him...it was the other way around!
unlike u i cant wait and wasnt able to watch it live this yr T-T so im dling soo many versions of the one thing lol *died* i dont care if i kill my net this month lol my first live tv was...a kdrama lol that was ages ago though hahaha and OPMG arashi? lol those boys are funny XDDD gotta love them!
HAHA no matter how good JH looks he can't match up to the jin ki XD LOOL
I talk AND I fold airplanes XD You know your brother's my age but for some reason when you talk about him I picture someone younger than me XD I don't know why D:
Yeah LOl she showed me her first icon, and it was 'surprisingly' ^cough^ of jae joong XD You know I don't even know what my first icon was. I know my first icons but not icon ;__: so sad...OMG YES I would so start a comm with you HAHA, though I am clueless about names. any good ones I can think of are always taken :X
BoA passed out? :O LOL I think I kind of saw it but I don't remember, but I saw the pictures XD sheaux said she was talking to people and they were telling her how they wante d to get the video for that HAHA I swear its sounds so perverted in a way... Oh I'm not sure if I have more males than females, I think its quite equal for me. But for males there's only a few artists that I truly love, while for females I have quite a few favourite artists :X i must like girly music or soemthing XDDD AH i would murder anyone who did that with the SHINee boys as long as I don't like them beforehand. They have to at least be worthy 8D I don't like randoms :\ Though if it was minho, I would be crushed either way ;__; HAHA so TOP is the slut instigator XD
WEll it was good it was weekend, or I wouldn't have stayed up. I probably would have switched it off right after I saw the SHINee 8D LOL I think I already killed mine, pictures are loading slowly D: But its going to refreshed in two days so I don't mind. I think I was actually pretty good with my internet usage/spending this month XD HAHA yeah arashi, despite them being nearly old bags now I still find them so adorable XD
hahahah u do both? dude naughty naughty naughty!!! lol hahah i have 3 bros bythe way..did i ever tell u that? lol the one i mentioned is the 18 yr old. then theres one ur age then the baby...who's 10 T-T i have a big family XD its never quiet! lol
hahah Jaejoong? OMG thats so typical but oh soo cute!!!!!! i dont think u wanna know ur first icon it will be like...OMG i did that? O_o thats not even ps! thats gross *gringe* lol i know! we should!!! i can start thinking of some...hmmmm *thinks* still got nothing..depends what kinda name we wwanna go for..an artsy name? or something fun and stupid XDDDDDDDDD
yeah she passed out...ive never seen it though...but ive seen the dance and OMG really good!!! i think that yr dbsk cshj and suju kinda did a dance thing! together lol i loved that performance. in that yr there dbsk also performed "iyah" but HOT i think or something cant remember who orginally sang it BUT OMG sooo good! they looked and sounded soo good! makes me wanna go watch it again *goes thru archives* OMG i have soo many dbsk performances T-T lol hahaha i would so kill the other person if they were some random too! and seriously the kiss is really cute! like its part of the act..he goes to kiss her forehead hesitates looks around..MEGA ARSE GRIN on his face then quickly kisses her!!!! and all this time Hyori looks expressionless cos i bet if she had the slightess grin the fangirls would be at her!
ahhh turned it off right after shinee...yfair enough..i always like to watch it thru cos u might be surprised with the acts which come out! lucky ur is being rereshed soon! i just got the throttle warning yesterday for my peak time...so i can do much during peak or i'll have to live with athe slow net for a wk T-T but hey at least i can still dl during off peak LOL..i just have to wake up at random times now LOL
yeah..i actually fold airplanes..I think I sound very sad now XD Yeah you did and how you put facial produces and stuff on them XDDDI'm a small family ;__; Only four+dog :D
LOL well I know my first iconS (emphasis on the S XD)I should so post them one day in the future and LOL at my fail 8D LOL I don't consider non-ps icons to be real icons. I onyl ever cropped in things outside of PS XD The same friend who just started ps-ing, there was this one time where she had a dp of jaejoong, but it was weird because it had that bar at the bottom where it tells you the pictures size, so I told her to crop it out LOL. She cropped it on paint and she was like really proud of herself. And me and my friend were just like OMG LOOL WHAT A NOOB XDD LOl I am not creative with text/titles....hmm I dunno. Artsy might be more timeless btu I liek funny names better usually. WE SHOULD MAKE IT HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH SHINee 8D *SPAZZES* *runs away before getting rejected XD*
Whoa, she must have been owrking hard... Wow all three bands? HAHA yea, I'm already getting lsot in my SHINee files. Its hard watching things on my iPod when they're all under crazily long tags...I'll categorize it later~ LOl omg I need to see that XD HAH hyori's smart, she knows if she makes it look like she really enjoys it those Korean fangirls will be hunting her down D:
I should have done that, I wasn't reall paying attention after. But there were some bits where SHINee appeared like somewhere on the screen, but they came so few and so far apart ;__; HAHA refreshed XD ugh I hate waking up early for off peak. There was a poitn where I got so desperate to spend the off peak before the on peak gets wasted, since the rule is after you waste on peak, off peak goes as well ;__;, so yeah I started waking up at 4am instead of 5:20...Though i went back to sleep after I finished downloading a few things 8D...Now don't look at me like I'm weird .__.
i never knew ppl folded airplanes at school. at our school it was the whole srunch up paper ot eraser peices!! lol hahah i did too! i cant believe u actually remember! lol they secretly enjoy the facials!!!!!! without me they wouldnt have an excuse for them! lol
haha...i should look for my first icons! i've got them somewhere im sure! hahaha and OMG at ur friend! how cute is that!!!! lets do artsy and SHINee!!!!!!!!!!!!! that'd be soo cute since thats how we met and all!!
hahah u should see my file names T-T its really messy. its gotten to a stage where this year im going to make a file for end of year award shows where as their other performances will stay in their my videos files under 2008 performances. then the pic's files T-T sooo bad!!!!! i have to clean it up so i can find them easier T-T i know! Hyori had to do it that way! supposedly the whole kiss was a request from the mkmf organisers!!! what were they thinking of killing hyori's career! but it looks to have worked out well! so im glad
]hahah wake up and dl and then go back to bed? OMG i do that too!!! so dont feel ashamed! surprisngly my off peak doesnt die if my peak does,....i think? lol ive gone over peak once and then i went off my off peak a few days later..so for them to say that means it doesnt. should up grade my net usage again lol
LOL dude..I just saw the comment count LOL its like 41 now including this comment. And this isn't even an icon post XD
yeah, we actualyl do it :D You think its a thing they only do in movies and such XD LOL scrunch..makes me think of that 'Are you a folder or a scruncher add' add XD You knwo people a tmy old school threw pens around for fun, it was fun until one of the girls got hit in the head and started bleeding D: HAH I still got mine, and even if I delete them from my folder, they're on PB LOL I got my first signature and wallpaper as well. But the wallpaper doens't really count, because I made that when I wasn't SO noob. In fact my first wallie is that Aya Ueto one that you saw in the icon post where we met XDDD
LOL NO SHE IS RETARTED XD I will continue to mock her for that for the rest of HER LIFE LOOL! yeah I'd love for it to have soemthing to do with SHINee..I wonder what though XD
HAHA pic files I don't bother. Only one's that are sorted are all my pbs. I swear you have no idea how many pbs I have in my picture folder :D SHINee..their folder is so meddy.I even made SHINee folder to put SHINee pics and vids in for itself on my desktop D: Everytime I save SHINee pics, if I saw it in a new folder and when they get too full I create a new folder. I guess its my own way of keeping them classified to the period in which I saved them XD OH WHAT IT WAS A REQUEST? LOL they better nto kill her career from that! especially since she's so popular right now~ Yeah, thank god shes nto being attacked. I guess if all the fans of big bang come to kill her there's always the army of hyori fans to stand up against them XDD
Yup :D Its ahrd though, cause the computer makes sounds when its on... OH WHUT!? dkfnSKNk you are so luckly. i wonder how much is unlimited internet? I wonder how much more it is than my internet right now :\
omg sorry..my bad T-T hahaha but mon or tue is fine anytime
serious? OMG i hate big spoilers like that! how could she do that! if u dont know how to use it then dont post!! arghhhh
hahah finish ur school work!!! its nearly the end of the yr..so wont be long til u can ps? lol but i agree!! lj has standards! i hate myspace..ok i have an account but i dont use it! and some stuff on that site is bad..ok most! not to mention all the ads T-T i dont mind facebook though..its simple and u cant do much to it which is good i guess..even if there are a few ads..its not as annoying as myspace
really? enjoying being part of the crew now though? cos it would be nice wouldnt it? but at the same time more work which creates more stress???
hahah trust me i am...just lazy and this is just easier LOL i hate ads soo annoying T-T
hahah i know! i know i have an account where im balloons??? lol i really cant remember but its just soo ma=uch easier using ONE name for all things relating to my fangirling hahaha
Oh and at MC, would you like it to be in the central area where the clock and red seats are, the station, or outside of MC..HAHA just anywhere, tell me where you want to meet I don't really care where 8D (as long as its not secluded GAHAHA XD)
Yeah, someone told her off before I got to though, so I couldn't be all mean and go OMG YOU IDIOT! sdKFNSKFNK *sadface* XD
yeah trying to, lucky dig art is quite easy for me to do. The only thin I hate about it is the 'design process' where we have to record how we came up with ideas.. Its hard for me cause most things I just do it on impulse O__O Yeah facebook is okay, its doesn't look..as cheap XD Myspace, every time my friends ask me to go see theirs..I try to refrain cause they always look so ..bad .___. I love lj the msot though. Only thing I btoher to use. I have myspace and facebook but I never use them~ I created the accounts back when people had no idea what they were, so even if I did want to use them. Back then..there would be no one to like chat/comment/stalk XD I liek the fact that lj has comms, and not just groups but actual comms. I think thats why people like it so much~
Yup i am, feels special HAHAH Yeah I do get quite a bit of graphic work from them. Like every few days, LOl I actually rejected some work yesterday cause I had to tell sanbi aka the admin that I wanted to concentrate on work..and that I was on a semi-hiatus .___. I hope she's not mad. I DID WRITE IN THE HIATUS THREAD! Just i don't think she saw~
HAHA balloons, *thinks of dbsk* Your names are all simple, I guess tahts good so you don't forget what they are. I find it weird that some people have username's that are like skdf*insertname*31987 and they put all retarted symbols... Yeah I'm trying to stick to one name. I really only use two so its okay, even if I don't remember which to use I just try with the other one :D
mc sound good..i was thiking in meeting in a back alley...muahah jk jk..anywhere is fine XD whichever is easier for YOU~!!!!! u can decide cos u have a massive bag to carry
i hate the recording process in art too! but i painting as my major..not digi art in yr 12. lol
but i agree with fb and myspace i try to leep it strictly ppl friends that i actually know...im slowly going thru it to delete ppl. as for lj..its where i go to fangirl and meet new ppl XDDDD
i can imagine u would get quite a lot of graphics to do! i think she'll get over it..cos even in ur sig it says ur on semi hiatus.
hahah yes! dbsk! lol i like simple names..easy to remember! i have the worlkds worst memory!!! its just easier having something u use all the time..i have 4 different types of passwords too...lol email is one..uni mail is another fourms etc are another and paypal/money related is another hahahah it just makes life easier
:OO NO THUY IS A RAPIST PSYCHO We'll just say the center then yeah, with the clock and red seats? Its probably easy to find you there, cause its got a lot of space. LOL well hmm I guess it might be easier if you tell me how to identify you? Me I'll just be a school girl with a lame school bag and I'll be Asian XD GREAT DESCRIPTION YAH?!Well I think I can identify you, if I see someone carrying a poster tube or something? Or I can just call you in there and then see which girl picks up her phone? HAHAHAH
Yeah, its bloody annoying. I think its stupid to record these kinds of things, I don't necessarily think all the great artists of our time initially planned out everything before they did it. I always thought art/graphics/design were But the whole process makes it sound like its science or something :X Yeah, well I never used my myspace, I didn't even know i had an account...so yeah no worries there XD But for facebook I kept it friends only. LJ is now friends only but that's actually only because I don't want people from my school reading all my entries XD HAHA funny, it should be the other way around XDD
yeah, and its hard coming up with new ideas all the time. Especially with the limit of pictures to use. Liek before, when amigo came out all the otehr graphic artists were turning in graphics with the new album pictures. SO its just like, I felt I couldn't use them as well, since it looks so repetitive...HAHA yeah, I put it there so that she would have no excuse even if she tries to tell me off XD
WHOA four different types? I have like there though technically two are the same, my lj pw and msn are the same, but lj forced me to add a number onto it... Then there's my school pw. HAHA its Onew Sangtae right now XDDD
hahah thuy is a weirdo!..as for psycho..i think im quite there..yet! hahah
want a picture? lol...i'll have a red bag...its red and white stripes..with the red nose toy thing hanging off it? with the poster tube! hahaha
art is more of an impulse thing..sometimes just one thing..no matter how strange it is..can be the inspiration for it all!!! but u know schools...they have to make sure they've taught u "something"
hahah u dont want to start using myspace..i use it everynow and then..cos im afraid to delete it cos i have some friends who are just on there..and wont come over to fb...but i think its going to be deleted very soon.
hahah LJ's always been friends only..i have a few public stuff..but everything i write is normally friends only XD and for the same reason as u..that and cos im random
i can imagine..new pictures..everyone jumps on them like theres no tmr!! so sometimes it good having a big archive file with photos and what not in it!
what can i say..im weird...but i think its cos it helps me differeintiate the importance of it?
"as for psycho..i think im quite there" haha guessing you typoed/missed out a word :O
HAHA I don't really care, it might help in identifying you.red nose toy XD? I think of moogles when you say that *O*
Yeah exactly I do get inspiration from weird things sometimes. HAHA yes schools, they know the things the teach us is next to nothing, so they force us to record such 'processes' I'm scared to take my mum to a parent teacher meeting. And they'll be like so what have you learned in school, what do you like?..and I'll be like umm yeah =___=
HAHA well, at least you can delete yours, I can't even get into mine! But you know, my friend said she found another Sarah Tan on myspace, who lives i n MELBOURNE!And it wasn't my account cause it had another girls picture on it. Now that wouldn't be me unless if the girl was Ayu XDD
Oh really? I didn't knwo your journal was F-O Probably cause your F-O banner is on the front page XD Yeah half my things are actually F-O Its only the things I don't want my RL friends reading. my lj friends probably think I'm weird for going F-O and not turning ALL my posts F-O...Hopefully they don't even realize~
yeah its kind of scary how fast these people are. OH i swear, last night when I was watching MKMF, on the sideline i was like on lj...I swear you have no idea how many updates there were on all the kpop comms by all those crazy batshit fangirls :D I swear I some posts that contained the same things but were done by different members, its like they were racing who could post what video first >__> I'm thankful I'm not like that...
haha differentiate the importance? Sounds like there's a hierarchy your pws or seomthing XD
doesnt really matter..i love the picture XDDDDDD u'll love it too!!!!!!
hahah yeah...it was supposed to read.."not quite there" lol *died*
hahah...yeah..red nose day..that orange thing with a massive red nose! lol
i can always give u pictures..if u want =or just click on my msn..ive got a pic of me and a friend as a dp...scrap that u've seen me now lol
hahah i dont think teachers asked "s o what have u learnt at school?" its a stupid question..most of the time parents want to know if u've been behaving and if there are any problems...screw if ur learning..as long as u have homework they think ur learning something at school/...gotta love azn parents sometimes lol
hahah yeah...u cant remember ur pw?...well as long as theres nothing embarassing ur fine! and another sarah tan???? ohhh...maybe u should check her myspace out LOL jk jk
hah it is FO i should really make a FO banner for my journal..im just too lazy at the moment lol. hahah most of the time ppl dont realise unless theyre new ???
hahah dude..i know how many updates! cos i subscribe to them! soo by this morning all these links for dls were up! i have soo much to dl..but i want to dl the whole show too..and thats always the hardest to find T-T
hahah there is..its just weird lol
Haha, its jsut the same one on the album cover yeah. I already love that. They look so cute on it!
LOL yeah I kind of figured that XD
LOL I had to look up the roange thing to see what it looked like~
Yup Sarah saw you already XD
haha omg behavior...I need to be good next year =__= I pissed off my maths teacher bad the other day...;___; I need to go do maths before I get killed...
Nope, I didn't ever remember I signed up, so like screw remembering the pw XDN ah I don't think there is~Yeah its scary, I already did, kind of. Only like the opening thing when you see their photo/age/location not actually in in XD
You should , i want to see your graphics!yeah or unless you look for the actual lock icon. Which i never do when I read other peoples entries so hopefully that works vice versa?
HAHA the whole show, thats crazy to download it all D: 4 hours man X.X IO only dling SHINee cuts. I already watched it all yesterday...eyah I stayed up again..Oh did you see the TOP and Hyori kissing? LOL I think a lot of fangirls died last night, especially cause it hyori. You can't compete with Hyori XD
hahah u pissed off ur maths teacdher? for what talking? throwing paper airplanes??? lol nah if ur mum ask the right questions it wont be brought up...maybe
did she look..weird? lol or was that locked too?
i will...i'll slowly work on one...normally my friend would make me one..cos im soo lazy but i have heaps of time so why not XDDD lol but my graphics arent great..i havent touched ps in soo long T-T that i need to get more better looking textures hahahah
yeah...the show..i did it last yeah..i like seeing it all..fast forwarding thru the boring stuuff too hahah yeah i saw Top + hyori..damm...all top lovers died!!! sp glad im not into top..reminds me of my cousin lol
im slowly getting the shinee cuts now...cant wait to watch them XDDDD Mkmf award shows are always awesome to watch!!!!!
..I actually do both XD But its cause we weren't working in class hehehe
HAHA you have nice friends XD Well I'd think your graphics are at least decent. My friend started to graphics the other day XD I'm so proud of her. I can't wait till she gets more pro. Maybe we could open up our on comm HAHAH TEXTURES=LOVE, my friend likes brushes, I think brushes are iffy XD I can't place them well and tehy make every look blobby ad out of place D:
HAHA it was my first time this year, only because of SHINee~ I didn't see top and hyoris kiss, I was probably on a another screen at the time, but i saw their performance and i was like YAYA hyori~ man, I think I'm one of the few girls that like girl artists as well as boy bands. All my firends into boy bands HATE girl artists..its sad D: HAHAHA I wonder if they're crying over there i nthe big bang comm? XD Yes good its him and not one of our boys D: I wouldn't want to bring myself to start hating hyroi XDD
I watched some this morning, haven't downloaded the hard versions yet. No rush hehehe yeah, its exciting cause its live yeah? My first time watching live tv was for arashi's variety show in japan. I was spazzing about it with my mum, even though we couldn't understand most of it, it was really exciting XDD
hahah do both? lol for not working in clas??? thats it? dont worry abt that then. the maths teacher will get over it...yes teacher not teach her rofl T-T
i know my bro does that all the time in one of his maths class that he's failing..but acing the other lol
OMG she just started? those are the best times cos ur sooo noob! LOL she likes brushes? i find them iffy too..thats cos i dont know how to use them where! prefer textures XDDDDDDD omg start our own comm? how fun qwould that be!!!!!!!! *thinks up a name*
yeah..understandable...i always love mkmf...ever since a few yrs back when my riend showed me boa's girls on top vid where she ended up passing out post perf..ive always loved watching it..cos she talked it up! lol do u want to see the hyori top kiss??? its already on youtube somewhere! or ive got dl links rofl hahah im like u...but i seem to have a bigger list of male bands/singers that i like more. i would have cried soo much if any of the shinee boys did that..ok maybe not cry but be crushed cos its HYORI!!!!!! but i wouldnt have disliked her in anyway...its not like she kissed him...it was the other way around!
unlike u i cant wait and wasnt able to watch it live this yr T-T so im dling soo many versions of the one thing lol *died* i dont care if i kill my net this month lol my first live tv was...a kdrama lol that was ages ago though hahaha and OPMG arashi? lol those boys are funny XDDD gotta love them!
I talk AND I fold airplanes XD You know your brother's my age but for some reason when you talk about him I picture someone younger than me XD I don't know why D:
Yeah LOl she showed me her first icon, and it was 'surprisingly' ^cough^ of jae joong XD You know I don't even know what my first icon was. I know my first icons but not icon ;__: so sad...OMG YES I would so start a comm with you HAHA, though I am clueless about names. any good ones I can think of are always taken :X
BoA passed out? :O LOL I think I kind of saw it but I don't remember, but I saw the pictures XD sheaux said she was talking to people and they were telling her how they wante d to get the video for that HAHA I swear its sounds so perverted in a way...
Oh I'm not sure if I have more males than females, I think its quite equal for me. But for males there's only a few artists that I truly love, while for females I have quite a few favourite artists :X i must like girly music or soemthing XDDD AH i would murder anyone who did that with the SHINee boys as long as I don't like them beforehand. They have to at least be worthy 8D I don't like randoms :\ Though if it was minho, I would be crushed either way ;__; HAHA so TOP is the slut instigator XD
WEll it was good it was weekend, or I wouldn't have stayed up. I probably would have switched it off right after I saw the SHINee 8D LOL I think I already killed mine, pictures are loading slowly D: But its going to refreshed in two days so I don't mind. I think I was actually pretty good with my internet usage/spending this month XD HAHA yeah arashi, despite them being nearly old bags now I still find them so adorable XD
hahahah u do both? dude naughty naughty naughty!!! lol hahah i have 3 bros bythe way..did i ever tell u that? lol the one i mentioned is the 18 yr old. then theres one ur age then the baby...who's 10 T-T i have a big family XD its never quiet! lol
hahah Jaejoong? OMG thats so typical but oh soo cute!!!!!! i dont think u wanna know ur first icon it will be like...OMG i did that? O_o thats not even ps! thats gross *gringe* lol i know! we should!!! i can start thinking of some...hmmmm *thinks* still got nothing..depends what kinda name we wwanna go for..an artsy name? or something fun and stupid XDDDDDDDDD
yeah she passed out...ive never seen it though...but ive seen the dance and OMG really good!!! i think that yr dbsk cshj and suju kinda did a dance thing! together lol i loved that performance. in that yr there dbsk also performed "iyah" but HOT i think or something cant remember who orginally sang it BUT OMG sooo good! they looked and sounded soo good! makes me wanna go watch it again *goes thru archives* OMG i have soo many dbsk performances T-T lol
hahaha i would so kill the other person if they were some random too!
and seriously the kiss is really cute! like its part of the act..he goes to kiss her forehead hesitates looks around..MEGA ARSE GRIN on his face then quickly kisses her!!!! and all this time Hyori looks expressionless cos i bet if she had the slightess grin the fangirls would be at her!
ahhh turned it off right after shinee...yfair enough..i always like to watch it thru cos u might be surprised with the acts which come out! lucky ur is being rereshed soon! i just got the throttle warning yesterday for my peak time...so i can do much during peak or i'll have to live with athe slow net for a wk T-T but hey at least i can still dl during off peak LOL..i just have to wake up at random times now LOL
yeah..i actually fold airplanes..I think I sound very sad now XD Yeah you did and how you put facial produces and stuff on them XDDDI'm a small family ;__; Only four+dog :D
LOL well I know my first iconS (emphasis on the S XD)I should so post them one day in the future and LOL at my fail 8D LOL I don't consider non-ps icons to be real icons. I onyl ever cropped in things outside of PS XD The same friend who just started ps-ing, there was this one time where she had a dp of jaejoong, but it was weird because it had that bar at the bottom where it tells you the pictures size, so I told her to crop it out LOL. She cropped it on paint and she was like really proud of herself. And me and my friend were just like OMG LOOL WHAT A NOOB XDD LOl I am not creative with text/titles....hmm I dunno. Artsy might be more timeless btu I liek funny names better usually. WE SHOULD MAKE IT HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH SHINee 8D *SPAZZES* *runs away before getting rejected XD*
Whoa, she must have been owrking hard... Wow all three bands? HAHA yea, I'm already getting lsot in my SHINee files. Its hard watching things on my iPod when they're all under crazily long tags...I'll categorize it later~
LOl omg I need to see that XD HAH hyori's smart, she knows if she makes it look like she really enjoys it those Korean fangirls will be hunting her down D:
I should have done that, I wasn't reall paying attention after. But there were some bits where SHINee appeared like somewhere on the screen, but they came so few and so far apart ;__; HAHA refreshed XD ugh I hate waking up early for off peak. There was a poitn where I got so desperate to spend the off peak before the on peak gets wasted, since the rule is after you waste on peak, off peak goes as well ;__;, so yeah I started waking up at 4am instead of 5:20...Though i went back to sleep after I finished downloading a few things 8D...Now don't look at me like I'm weird .__.
haha...i should look for my first icons! i've got them somewhere im sure! hahaha and OMG at ur friend! how cute is that!!!! lets do artsy and SHINee!!!!!!!!!!!!! that'd be soo cute since thats how we met and all!!
hahah u should see my file names T-T its really messy. its gotten to a stage where this year im going to make a file for end of year award shows where as their other performances will stay in their my videos files under 2008 performances. then the pic's files T-T sooo bad!!!!! i have to clean it up so i can find them easier T-T
i know! Hyori had to do it that way! supposedly the whole kiss was a request from the mkmf organisers!!! what were they thinking of killing hyori's career! but it looks to have worked out well! so im glad
]hahah wake up and dl and then go back to bed? OMG i do that too!!! so dont feel ashamed! surprisngly my off peak doesnt die if my peak does,....i think? lol ive gone over peak once and then i went off my off peak a few days later..so for them to say that means it doesnt. should up grade my net usage again lol
yeah, we actualyl do it :D You think its a thing they only do in movies and such XD LOL scrunch..makes me think of that 'Are you a folder or a scruncher add' add XD You knwo people a tmy old school threw pens around for fun, it was fun until one of the girls got hit in the head and started bleeding D:
HAH I still got mine, and even if I delete them from my folder, they're on PB LOL I got my first signature and wallpaper as well. But the wallpaper doens't really count, because I made that when I wasn't SO noob. In fact my first wallie is that Aya Ueto one that you saw in the icon post where we met XDDD
LOL NO SHE IS RETARTED XD I will continue to mock her for that for the rest of HER LIFE LOOL! yeah I'd love for it to have soemthing to do with SHINee..I wonder what though XD
HAHA pic files I don't bother. Only one's that are sorted are all my pbs. I swear you have no idea how many pbs I have in my picture folder :D SHINee..their folder is so meddy.I even made SHINee folder to put SHINee pics and vids in for itself on my desktop D: Everytime I save SHINee pics, if I saw it in a new folder and when they get too full I create a new folder. I guess its my own way of keeping them classified to the period in which I saved them XD
OH WHAT IT WAS A REQUEST? LOL they better nto kill her career from that! especially since she's so popular right now~ Yeah, thank god shes nto being attacked. I guess if all the fans of big bang come to kill her there's always the army of hyori fans to stand up against them XDD
Yup :D Its ahrd though, cause the computer makes sounds when its on... OH WHUT!? dkfnSKNk you are so luckly. i wonder how much is unlimited internet? I wonder how much more it is than my internet right now :\
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