Yeah I am meant to be doing physics but..I DON'T CARE!
HAAHAH how cute is Key XD I just love this ghei boy~
They should have shown them getitng hit in a row, but Onew's hit was in a different section ;___; stupid Yunhanam editors/camera people
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sheaux HAHA you know the only reason wh yI could make it. Because I downlaoded the ep yet again ;___; bloody files made me download ep.10 three times. One was YT verson cause I didn't want to wait for the HQ, the the HQ but that wouldn't convert to mp4 so I had to downlaod the mp4 version as well DDD:..I think I realize why my downloads are declining so fast...
MINHO you need to stop pimping yourself to fangrlrs DD: And dw they're not the same pair XD I would know~ *whistles* Though he's weaiing the same clothes. GAWD LSm could you stop taking SHINee's money and let them buy more clothes. I swear a while ago I could recognize minho in the background of some JH fancam jsut because i recognized the cltohes, even though his face was non-existent for that section in the vid, I couls till recognize him :___;
ugh I am dead~ I stayed up to like 3am last night just so that I could watch Yunhanam ;___; Thank god I managed to dl it, having used like 98% of my monthly internet :OOO The bro is going to kill me. though eh should understand its SHINee!
Like I am so honoured that SHINee owns the same things as me *O*
Hmm, I found it a bit weird in ep.11 that the boys dared to show their bad side when they were 'bitching' on the noona. LOOL Onew was all like EWW she's on my bed XXDD. Though I understand where he's coming from. I wonder how the scary noona feels D: I wonder what they're going to do for the alst ep. I WANT A SEASON 2! Or some new reality show at least. SHINee can't jsut disappear from our lives like this NO WAY! HAHAA but how cute was Key when he was getting pranked. He looked all sad when he thought Taemin got 'mad' at him~ And did you see how he hugged Taemin at the end. Ahh so sweet. LOL I still feel sorry for tofu, I was like squealing at 3am because I felt so sorry for him XD OH WHY MUST YUNHANAM END!? I swear, and its actually been getting much better in the last few eps...
ahh going to go do some more physics. And omg I think I''m actually learning! And Lily are you back from hiatus yet D:?*goes to check* Will probably post graphics later today or tommorow, once I finsih dig art and physics ..SCREW ENGLISH and science! And maths too ~ hmm IWonder how i did on my maths test. =___= I thought I did relatively well since compared to everyone else I was all (  ̄∀ ̄ ) and they were (_ _,)~ But i bet they were all just overreacting on how bad they did again.
AND OMFG its HOT! I WOULD open my room door, but then the mum would come barging in and asking what I was doing, then proabby go and force me to do chores....