(no subject)

Jun 26, 2005 20:17

I just got home like 2 hours ago from a psychic workshop thingy.  It was awesome.  There was like 200-300 people there.  There were 2 speakers.  First was Dr. Brian Weiss who is a psychotherapist who does hypnosis and past life regression therapy (remembering past lives and learning how they are affecting you in this life and healing it and what-not).
We did 3 meditations with him, first time to get used to the idea of meditating and how to do it.
Second time to do a past like regression... though I didn't really get anything from that, I couldn't concentrate, I kept thinking about present time things, but I definitely went into a deep hypnotic state either way cause we did it for 40 minutes but it only felt like 10 minutes and he said that that's what happens when you go in deep, time is distorted.
3rd time to focus on an illness or something that you have and to talk to it and ask why it's there and what it's doing to you and for you... don't know if I got anywhere with that one either.  He talked a lot about stuff, good info, he had a good sense of humor too, so it wasn't boring or anything.

Next was the guy me and my mom went to the thing for, James Van Praagh.  He's a famous psychic medium (talks to the dead).  He was also a funny guy and easy to listen to.  With him, we went more into the psychic stuff, working on our own abilities because everyone has psychic abilities, whether you believe in it or not, it's there.  This is the part I liked most cause I got to test myself and have things confirmed without feeling awkward about it or feeling like a fool.
Did another meditation for a couple minutes and then we had to find a partner, someone we didn't know.  First we traded something we had on us for a while that day, accessories or something.  People traded keys, bracelets, rings, earings, and so on.  I gave my partner, Michelle, my ring and she gave me her bracelet.  We were to hold them in our hands and concentrate on them and try to get info about our partners from it for about 3-5 minutes.

When I held her bracelet in my hands, right away I felt a lot of warmth, like warm energy, radiating from it.  I'm used to working with energy, I know how it feels in my hands, I know how the warmth of it feels when I do Reiki.  But when I held her bracelet, it was like... WOW.  I had my hands cupped around the bracelet and I could actually FEEL the warmth seeping out of my hands cause there was so much.  When I told her, I didn't really know what it meant, I was thinking that she's a really warm hearted person maybe, you know, she took it as a compliment, which is good.
Then she told me what she felt from my ring.
She said that it felt like I had things stored up inside, like information or something, that I wanted people to know and I was just ready to explode.  She said she felt like the ring was going to explode in her hands.  That was interesting.  I could interpret that in many aspect of my life, so it's hard to pinpoint something.  Some people in the room stood up with a microphone and shared with everyone what kind of info they got and a some of it was really impressive.

And then next we told our partner the name of someone we know who died.  I told Michelle my grandma's name, Nellie, and she told me the name Norm.  Immediately after she said his name, I saw grey hair and a mustache.  I kept wondering if I was making it up or something, if it was my own imagination or if it was actually what he looked like.  But that's what we weren't supposed to do, try to analyze it.  We were supposed to listen to our first instinct so I kept thinking about it.  For the rest of the 3-5 minutes I kept repeating his name in my head and asking him if he wanted me to tell Michelle anything.  I started feeling a different kind of energy, not quite tingly, but a sensation in the back of my head and my upper back but again, I wasn't sure if it was just me or if it was something he was impressing on me.

Then we told each other any info we got.  She said that her first thought was grandma, but then she tried to analyze it cause she thought it was too obvious cause of the name so she thought of an animal instead.  She was right the first time with her first instinct.  I told her that immediately after she said the name, I saw grey hair and a mustache and she was really surprised, can't remember what exactly the word she used was, but she was like "Really!? oh wow" kind of thing.  Turns out the guy, Norm, was her uncle's life-partner/boyfriend and that's what he looks like, grey hair and a mustache.  I held off on mentioning the sensation in my back and head because I was still unsure if it meant anything.  But less than 5 minutes later, I turned to her while James Van Praagh was talking again and asked her how he died... cancer.  I then asked her where in the body the cancer affected... she told me that it was discovered in a tumor in the back of his head and spread from there.  I guess the sensation did mean something.  Again some people shared the info they got and I decided to share too *shrug*

After that, James did a few readings for people in the crowd.  All in all, it was a great experience to go and see them and learn stuff...  I think I'm going to actually start meditating now that I know that I'm capable of doing what I did today.

Oh, and one really fun and fascinating exercise James had us do was to hold our hand out in front of us about a foot and a half apart, palms facing each other and to concentrate on the energy between our hands.  Slowly bringing our hands closer together concentrating on the energy.  The closer my hands got, the denser the energy felt, like the air felt thicker.  When my hands got 6-8 inches apart, it was like trying to stick magnets together negative to negative, it resists.  There was literally a BALL off energy in my hands and I could feel it resisting when my hands got closer and closer together.  Like I did the whole accordian thing where I bring my hands in and out, but only an inch back and forth and I could feel it there.  It was such a weird but amazing feeling.
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