Mar 26, 2003 13:19
i fucking can't cook.
i'm so sick of this.
every day i try the same shit and it never works.
you'd think i'd either give up or fucking figure it out by now.
it's just that my will to live is so paper thin that cooking a good meal isn't really top on my priority list anymore.
i just want to eat the same exact thai curry from Thai Ginger every single fucking day for the rest of my life.
or at least until we move.
i want to throw this food i made away and i want charley to also so he will go buy me the thai food.
but i hate wasting food almost as much as i hate this situation.
there's no way to make this good,
it's way too spicy.
it's sick.
my food is either totally boring or totally sick.
i'm being such a baby about this, i know.
but it's really frustrating.
especially when the kitchen is so disasterous and water won't go down the drain and everything's dirty and i cook every single day and give it to charley while he lays in bed and neither of us can complain because we both know that there's no way in hell he's cooking and there's no way in hell i'm going to just sit around and not eat.
i fucking hate it all.
don't even get me started about the bathroom...
we need to go home NOW.