Oh hey, it's a new month! And what a wonderful start; everyone's favorite uncle, Douchebag Randy, could not attend the weekly family lunch. Such a shame. When he's not there, everyone actually gets a full serving of whatever it is we're eating. Oh, and we have to talk at a normal voice-level; no need to yell when you're not struggling to be heard over his ignorant rambling.
This meant that I actually got to talk to my grandparents, which is always nice. Grandma told me about her latest trip down south, and it figures the one time I don't get stuck going along, something rad happens.
So, my... second cousin (maybe? she's my grandma's brother's granddaughter; I fail at family trees) Misty and her husband can't have kids, so they've adopted several children. The youngest one is named Hope, and she's about eight years old now. They adopted her when she was a little baby, because her birth mother was extremely abusive. Poor Hope suffers from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and the latest testing they've had done says her brain will probably never function above the level of a four year old (though in my opinion, she's more functional than that right now, but I'm not a doctor, nor do I know anything about kids). When Grandma was visiting their family, Hope said some pretty strange things...
For one, she told my Grandma about how she was abused as a baby, in graphic detail. I'm not sure how much Misty told her about the situation exactly, but she certainly wouldn't have told her about how her birth mother threw her up against a wall, tried to drown her, and so on. And that aside, half the time Hope can't even tell you something that happened two days ago, let alone something someone told her at some point in the distant past.
At another point during the visit, Hope made a comment about Grandma Elsie. When asked what she was talking about, she said, "Grandma Elsie, don't you see her? She's sitting there with Grandma Teeny. She isn't really my grandma, but she kind of is..."
"Grandma Elsie", my Grandmother's mom, passed away in 2002. Hope was two years old at most back then; there's no way she'd remember her. It's possible that someone mentioned her in passing, but... That still leaves Teeny. Teeny died ages ago - like, before my parents were born (she was Elsie's second husband's late wife, if I remember correctly). I've been stuck in this family for almost 20 years, and I've only heard her mentioned once or twice.
If it were any other kid, I'd be really suspicious. But I don't think Hope has it in her to plan an elaborate prank like this. And according to Misty, stuff like that is a pretty common occurrence. My mom thought it was creepy, but I think it's cool. It makes me want to try my hand at ghost hunting (again) :3