
Feb 20, 2005 17:37

And now, because this is oh-so entertaining, a list of the homework that I have to do for next week:

Science -- How Powerstations Work, 1 page in book, half-done
Statistics -- Quite a lot of coursework. Loads. Seriously, I die.
English Lit -- Read end of An Inspector Calls; write timeline of play; write Eva Smith's diary
Science -- About the periodic table, done some (I did the history of it, then realised that's not exactly what we were supposed to be doing ^^;)

Religious Studies -- "The Old Testament is no longer relevant to Christians. Do you agree? Discuss," essay, one third done (and I'm not sure whether I agree or not)
English Language -- First draft of non-fiction writing (I haven't got a fricking clue what to do)
Art -- PVA glue + water + tissue paper over final piece; paint final piece; some sketchbook work; pictures for 'cafe bar' cubist thing

Why the hell is all of my homework due in for the first two days back?! Nn, this is not fun. I don't have the energy to do this. But if I say to anyone that I have no motivation what reply do I get? Something about me being a lazy teenager usually. Fun fun.

I'm watching Serial Experiments Lain for the fifth time since I got it yesterday morning. I'm not entirely sure that's healthy, but I don't care because it's so freaky and cute. I want her hat, the pink one in the opening. Oh, and her hair. Ooh, Genki Gang do a Lain hat! I might have to save up and buy that. And the kitty ears hat. That's so cute.
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