May 20, 2005 20:55
I'd had this annoying "Aurora" program giving me pop-ups every few minutes since I accidentally used Internet ExploiterExplorer a few days ago, and I accidentally clicked the little question mark button that was next to the top-right-hand-corner-X. It said something like "Aurora is not spyware/adware etc. etc. To uninstall, go to [url] and download the uninstaller." So I downloaded it (using Firefox and with a firewall and virus scanner-things) and then after deleting the program it says "[program] has successfully removed your adware programs." dfgdfg.
'I see flaws in your argument and the points you make are unsupported!'
In other news: WHAT THE FUCK, IT'S FRIDAY? Okay, so...I lost a day...somewhere. Yesterday I was like "Oh, it's Wednesday, tomorrow I need to-- Oh no wait, it's actually Thursday, so I've got to do it today..." And so I did it today, thinking "Oh it's Thursday, so lalala..." And I was like "Oh, Thursday, nothing interesting on TV-- What? Isn't that programme on Fridays... It is Friday? wtf?" And...uh...yeah. Argh.