+ make my heart sing!!!!

Nov 02, 2012 02:08

I'm not really sure if this is something that people are going to be interested in, but I figured it was worth giving it a try!

I love fall/winter music as much at the next person, but recently with school and work I have been in dire need of something a little bit more light-hearted. So, I figured, what's better way to find new music than to find out what other peoples' feel good songs were!

So, here's the plan: comment below (anonymously, if that's your preference!) with a song that makes you feel good! If it's a song that makes you want to dance (always a plus), sing at the top of your lungs, climb a mountain, hug someone or just gives you that really warm feeling in your stomach, share it with us!!! Feel free to embed/link, share an entire playlist or just share the name and the artist and let's enjoy some sunshine music!

Comment as many times as you wish!

(Additionally, all kinds of music are welcome! Because, if I said I didn't enjoy this likes of Ke$ha, The Heartless Bastards and Frank Ocean all in the same hour, I would be lying. And I wouldn't do that to you.)

(this gif is relevant, don't try and tell me any different.)
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