[ ficathon ] 6 SIMPLE RULEZ

Jul 06, 2012 18:15

Never been involved in a ficathon before and don't know where to start? YOU'RE IN THE RIGHT PLACE.

I cannot make sweeping generalizations about ficathons not hosted by me, but for ones that I do host, I beg of you to read and follow these 6 simple rules. It will make my life so much easier.

let's get to it. )


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Comments 3

casterlys July 7 2012, 02:07:11 UTC
This is great and I love you! (And it reminded me that I got some fills during my move that I forgot to read/reply to...! Gotta do that!)


kolms July 7 2012, 03:47:34 UTC
You are great and I love you!


casterlys July 8 2012, 00:00:53 UTC


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