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Jul 01, 2012 02:48

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kolms July 1 2012, 17:19:56 UTC
ginny/neville, don't keep me like you have me, and don't kiss me like you don’t


chimneysmoke July 1 2012, 19:22:50 UTC
You're Mine, Neville/Ginny, Harry/Ginny, R, takes place mid-DH
I swear I'll write you a happy one... this one was crazy angsty.

Neville's never had something nice that was just his own. His clothes, his home, his books, everything has been shared or handed down or some awful form of charity.

His worst fear is that Ginny is the same.

Hogwarts is cold, and the war is on and they have nothing to cling to, except maybe each other. Remainders, leftovers, spare parts. They're a pair, and if anyone would bother to notice they were a pretty powerful set.

But none of that matters in the dark. In the quiet. In the wait of the trenches as they wait for the battle to reach their gates. All that matters is that even though Neville's had her first he hasn't had her most, and he knows in the dark when she's quiet and staring out the window, even though she's in his arms, she's thinking of someone else ( ... )


johnmayergirl23 July 1 2012, 20:11:05 UTC
Trying to get their whole lives fit into one school year because who knows when the world will end.

give me a bucket for my tears

lovely :)


chimneysmoke July 1 2012, 20:23:27 UTC
Every time I think about DH, I just keep thinking "those poor kids". Especially the ones locked up in the castle with the Carrows and the Ministry bearing down and Snape in the Headmaster's seat with Dumbledore dead and their families out there. And especially especially Ginny and Neville and Luna and the DA gang who have their friends missing and maybe dead but out there and left behind... I would love to read a book or novel length of the whole gang and what that year was like. Being taught useless junk and veiled blood purity stuff, but tucking up together and forming their own resistance... so much material there (and angst, as above).

I'm so glad you like it!


fsfitzgeralds July 2 2012, 19:27:26 UTC


chimneysmoke July 2 2012, 20:32:23 UTC
sorry bb :)


kolms July 2 2012, 19:55:01 UTC
You're mine. And when this is all over, you'll remember me.

u g h, my bbs. so angsty, but so good.


chimneysmoke July 2 2012, 20:32:52 UTC
these two, man. they give me feels.

glad you liked this!


nevrafire July 3 2012, 14:48:15 UTC
your ginny/neville icon!!! <3!!!!


portions_forfox July 3 2012, 05:16:41 UTC
whoa. just... whoa.

this was so intense, so biting. I loved, even though neville's had her first he hasn't had her most. that was such a cutting line. and the end, of course. jfc this was perf


chimneysmoke July 3 2012, 05:47:44 UTC
(that's my favorite line :) Glad you liked it!


ladywhizbee July 5 2012, 14:40:41 UTC
Trying to get their whole lives fit into one school year because who knows when the world will end

That frantic feeling that life must be lived because it may end before you know it is such a powerful thing. And very, very real. Poor Neville. I love him here. So honest and bittersweet at the same time. *loves*


sparksfly7 July 10 2012, 23:42:47 UTC
Because Neville's never had something nice that was just his own, and because he'd like to know what it's like to lie next to a girl with a broken heart instead of one that's just aching. Because he trusts Harry but he hates him too, for reasons he'd like to lock up and push down and ignore. Because this is war and the more you wished and hoped that people lived the more likely it was that they ended up broken or buried.


super beautiful. love it! <3


fiercecherry July 14 2012, 22:06:42 UTC
Whoa! It's so beautifully written! * ____ * I would quote my favorite parts but everything is so quotable I can't even pick!

I was never the biggest Neville/Ginny fan but you've written them in such fashion (NGL I have a thing for sadness) that I feel like shipping them HARD :DDD



ellisaco July 15 2012, 06:07:48 UTC
Neville's never had something nice that was just his own. His worst fear is that Ginny is the same.

Ahh, I actually really like angst when it's written this well. Oh, Neville, you deserve something nice just for you!


pola_bear July 15 2012, 21:30:08 UTC
Um... wow. I just got linked to this post and generally don't read Ginny or Neville, let alone together but this is stunningly good. I've recently actually become a bit obsessed with Hogwarts during DH and this just perfectly suits the tone of despair we get from how it's is described. Amazing.


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