[ ficathon ] the great ann perkins ficathon!

Mar 05, 2012 14:51

You know who needs more love from the fandom? Ann Perkins needs more love. So let's make that happen with The Great Ann Perkins Ficathon! Prompt your little heart away and let's get the most beautiful nurse in the world some more fic!

1. Have fun and be nice!
2. All prompts must be Ann-centric, but go crazy with everything else. Especially if it involves Ann/awesome ladies...
3. One prompt per comment, please! But post as many prompts as your heart desires!
4. Prompts should look like this:
character or pairing, prompt

5. Fills should look like this at the top of the post:

characters/pairing, title, rating (if applicable)

6. If your fic is going to be longer than 4 or 5 comment entries, please strongly consider posting it at your journal and linking it over here. (Thank you!)
7. Be sure to comment on fills and spread the love around!

Prompt, fill, promote and HAVE FUN!

→ Crosspost fills in AO3 collection!

project: ficathon, tv: parks and rec

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