Pissy Pissed

May 01, 2006 10:09

Bard's a small school, but it still has a towering bureaucracy.

I got up before nine today to register a few seconds after nine (the first people that register usually get priority), but suddenly received a devastating note: "You are not financially cleared. You cannot register." I call student accounts, which I already had twice the week before ("Oh, sure, you're all set! You're completely financially clear."), who suddenly tells me I haven't picked up a residence card.

"Sir, you haven't told us if you're living on campus."

"Okay... I am. I already have a single."

"Oh, well you need a proxy for room draw, someone to pick up your card."

"No, I don't! I already have a room because of medical reasons!"

"You can get someone Res Life to be your proxy."

"I don't need or want a proxy!"

"We don't even know if you're even living on campus. We cannot bill you."

"I am!"

"Well, you need someone to pick up your room draw card."

"Just throw it away! I don't need it!"

"We can't bill you because we don't know where you're living next year. We don't know if it's on campus or off campus."

"No one knows where they're living. Room draw starts tonight. But I already know that I'm on the bottom floor of Oboeholzer! Bill me for it."

"I need to talk to someone from ResLife."


"And then I can financially clear you."


"Oh, BLAH BLAH bureaucratic email BLAH BLAH..."

It was like something from Catch-22.

So I registered at 9:50. The majority of bard should not have done so before that, but I'm still peeved about this shit. I wanted to strangle "Gwen" from Student Accounts.

Bureaucracy makes me insane. I go bezerk. I think there should be a movie about a man in love with bureaucracy. Steve Carrell could be him.
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