its times like these you learn to love again

Oct 28, 2006 11:34

one of the last times thta i wrote, is said taht everyting was going to happen before thanksgiving. since then my world has turned compltely upside down, and its getting ready to doa full cycle again. and if ive beem able to handle it this well so far, thenm i think i can handle the rest. after all God oesnt give someone something that he knows they cant handle. I can handle whatever it is he gives me. i have to. now dont get me wrong i knoe there will be a few more teatrs, a couple more goodbyes, and a couple more lonely nights, but in the end, i hipe that i will be happy with the person that i wil have become. the tinest things in life affect you. people affect you. even the ones you dont like, theyre there for a reason, everyone you meet in your life theyre there for you at taht time. whether or not they stick around, it solely depends on wheteherr you needt them to stick around. ive been pretty in touvh with me religion lately. bc i dont think i can get throuhg of this with out the support  and love of God, and you guys can make fun of me all you want, but this is how i feel and i  hope that i dont offend anhy of you along the way. Please bare with me these next couple of weeks, after all i never said all this "new" was just goign to be with me, its belongs to you all as well. you may not know it, but's already started. stay true to yourself in times liek these, bc tehre isnt anypne else that can figure yout life out but you. i love you all, and i pray that you all can handle everything with grace.
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