Goddamnit Alex

Mar 19, 2013 23:34

Title: Goddamnit Alex (oneshot)
Rating: R
Pairings: Jack/Alex, Cassadee/Rian
Words: 2700+
Author: kolette_killer
Summary: The moral of the story is, "don't smirk at Alex."
A/N: so my other fic, warriors is coming along slowly because i can't think about that and ive had this one for a while so i thought why the hell not

It’s a cold November morning when Alex is sitting in an almost empty conference room where he makes eye contact with the boy across from him. He blushes and looks down at his lap when he sees the smirk the boy sends him. He tries to continue to take notes in his small notebook, but every time he tries to look out the window, (he swears he’s trying to look out the window, really) he locks eyes with the boy.

He decides that the best course of action would be to stare down at his notebook. But all the words get jumbled together, and everything gets blurry so he has to look up. He is met, of course, with that goddamn smirk. He decides the next best idea would be just pretend that it isn’t happening, and that’s working well until the meeting is over.

The boy approaches Alex, sticks out his hand, and says, “Jack.” Alex nods dumbly, and shakes his hand. “And you are?” Jack asks, looking over Alex.

“Alex. Alexander.” Alex says quickly, mentally questioning his existence. Jack nods and smiles. “I lied, don’t call me Alexander. That’s lame. I’m Alex, just Alex. Wow, I’m sorry, I’ll be going.” And he was babbling, which is bad. Babbling is something that 15-year-old girls do when they talk to the boy they like, not that Alex is any different, but Alex is a 20-year-old college student. He’s strong-willed, smart, handsome, but goddamnit if he has one weakness it’s when cute boys smirk at him.

So instead of staying there and embarrassing himself further, Alex turns away from Jack, grabs his coat, and walks out into the cold afternoon air. He walks in the direction of nowhere and eventually makes his way back to his apartment to lie face down in his bed. “Why am I even a person?” He asks the apartment. But the apartment doesn’t answer; it’s an apartment.

A few weeks later, Alex comes home from class and lies down on the couch face down. He lies there for a while until he decides he’s hungry so he goes to salvage food from dinner the night before. Luckily, Cassadee is an A+ roommate because she’s marked a blue container as “lunch for dummy” (meaning Alex). He goes to his room and lies on his bed, empty container on his belly, and stares up at the spinning fan.

Alex lies there until Cassadee comes home and forces him to get up and take a shower. “But why?” He whines. Then Cassadee starts throwing shoes at him and he retreats by putting a pillow over his face.

“Because I have people coming over and you smell.” Alex makes a noise in the back of his throat that sounds something like a groan, but we’ll never know. “Aren’t we both supposed to agree on inviting people over?” He asks, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

“No,” Cassadee says flatly. “Now shower and change because you look like an idiot and Rian is coming over,” She says that last part too quickly and Alex grins mischievously.

“So it’s Rian! That would explain why you’re acting like this.” He says simply, grinning at the blush spreading across his friend’s cheeks. Cassadee glares (or at least tries to) at Alex, and leaves the small room, but not before barking another “take a shower” at the boy. Alex rolls his eyes, but complies.

The doorbell rings while Alex is in the shower and Cassadee greets the two boys at the door. “Jack! Rian! Come in!” Cassadee embraces the two at the door and leads them to the living room. They sit on the couch while Cassadee whirls around the kitchen dropping small things into pots and pans.

Jack looks around the room and spots a picture frame on the corner of the coffee table. It has a photo of Cassadee and familiar blushing boy in it. He turns to Rian and shows it to him.

“Who is this?” He asks, shoving the frame into his friend’s hands. Rian looks at the photo and a wave of recognition washes over his face.

“That guy? That’s Alex, Cassadee’s roommate. Why?” Rian questions, giving his friend a suspicious look.

“No reason. You think he’s gonna be here?” Jack asks. Rian just shrugs and turns back to watching Cassadee in the kitchen.

When the rest of the guests arrive, Cassadee is about to serve dinner when she realizes that her roommate has not emerged from his bedroom. She excuses herself and knocks on his door multiple times. He doesn’t answer, and the door is locked so she goes back into the living room.

“Hey, do any of you know how to pick a lock?” She asks the few congregated people. Jack raises his hand, and follows Cassadee when asked. They walk to Alex’s door but there’s a ding from the kitchen. Cassadee looks in between the door and the kitchen.

“Um, you do this, I’ll be back in a sec.” She runs off, and Jack is left kneeling in front of Alex’s door. He plays with the lock until he hears the click, and swings the door inward.

Alex hears his door being opened, but he swears he locked it. He steps out of his closet, one shoe off, t-shirt in hand and says, “Cas, I’m not dressed and how did you eve-“ He stops speaking when he spots the boy in the doorway. Said boy is standing there giving Alex a bemused smirk. “You’re not Cassadee…” Alex says uncertainly.

“No I’m not.” Jack says, still smirking at the half-dressed Alex in front of him. Alex stares at Jack, eyes wide and fearful. “Um, well, why are you here?” He squeaks, voice rising by a few octaves.

“I was invited by Cassadee. We have class together.” Jack says casually.

“Interesting. Well, you go have your dinner. I will be not be joining you for fear of embarrassing myself further.” Alex nods to himself, and begins to push Jack out the door of his room. Jack just shrugs and says, “Well you have fun explaining that one to Cassadee.” Before slinking out of the doorway, and back into the main living area.

And shit. Alex did not think about Cassadee and her rules about him being required to socialize when she had guests over. But Alex feigns ignorance, shuts the door, locks it and lies face down on the bed again. Approximately 33.34 seconds later, Cassadee is banging on the door, and yelling something like, “ALEXANDER WILLIAM GASKARTH, IF YOU DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW, I WILL CUT EVERY PIECE OF HAIR OFF YOUR GODDAMN HEAD.” Or something like that.

Eventually, Alex does open the door and Cassadee storms in, apron on wielding a spatula. She’s pulls his ear and yells, “WE HAVE RULES, ALEX.” She continues her rant while Alex chants “ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow” over and over again until she let’s go.

“So are you going to come out for dinner?” She asks sweetly, while Alex rubs his raw ear. Alex gives her a fearful look and says, “I can’t.” Cassadee rolls her eyes.

“And why not?” She asks, raising the spatula. “I…I met Jack a couple weeks ago. At that internship meeting I went to.  And I embarrassed myself. Badly.” Alex says, blushing. Cassadee give him a sympathetic look, but it doesn’t change her stance on the topic.

“Come on, it couldn’t have been that bad.” She says, trying to will him out the door. But he doesn’t budge. “It was bad, Cas. Like cute boy smirk bad.” Alex says, covering his face with hands and sitting on his bed. Cassadee sits down next to him, and puts an arm over her friend’s shoulders, attempting not to laugh.

Alex does eventually come out for dinner, blushing and sitting next to Brendon and his boyfriend Spencer. When he is asked for an explanation he says simply that he wasn’t feeling well, and when he looks over at Jack, he receives a knowing smirk. Alex squirms in his seat, and looks down at his hands. It’s quiet for a while until Cassadee puts the food on the table, and Rian immediately compliments her cooking. Cassadee blushes deeply, and thanks him before taking her seat.

After that everything pretty much becomes a blur of red wine, and hilarious jokes at Alex’s expense. Alex, being the good sport he is, just laughs along and pretends that his face is turning red because of the wine. It’s only after dessert do Jack and Alex actually have a chance to speak with each other. Alex, Jack finds out, is actually pretty entertaining while a little tipsy.

“So what’s your major?” Jack asks casually while Alex sips from his glass.

“Um, I-I major in music theory a-and minor in creative writing.” Alex mumbles.

“What was that?” Jack asks, leaning in close to the boy. Alex takes in a deep breath and swallows (which Jack totally sees).

“I major in music theory and minor in creative writing.” Alex says a little more confidently. That’s only because Alex has to keep telling himself that he’s not 16, since high school he’s totally slept with more than one person, and that he’s not going to be intimidated by some hot guy who smirks way too much for it to be okay.

Jack however, seems to have a personal vendetta against Alex’s confidence, decides at that moment to smirk. Alex completely gives up and lets out a whimper, which he hopes to god Jack didn’t notice. But it’s his unlucky day because he did and Jack just laughs to himself.

“I-I’m- I don’t- I-I’m going to go.” And with that, Alex gets up and walks out the door. Which Cassadee hears, and she emerges from the kitchen. “What was that?” She asks.

“Alex left.” Jack says simply, and now he’s looking down at his phone, playing some sort of game.

“What? Why?” She questions, raising her eyebrows at Jack. “What did you do, Jack?” She says, narrowing her eyes.

Jack raises his hands in innocence, and says, “I don’t know! We were talking, he started stammering and next thing I know, he just gets up and leaves.” Cassadee just shakes her head, and rubs her face. She’s about to say something, when Rian puts a hand on her shoulder.

“Come on, Cas. He’s a big boy, I’m sure he can get home all by himself.” And Cassadee agrees, and returns to her previous engagement.


The next morning, Alex wakes up on the couch. He doesn’t remember how he got there, or why his shirt smells like vomit, but he pretends like it isn’t happening and goes to his own room to pass out. And maybe cry a little.

He’s about halfway down the hallway, when the door to Cassadee’s room opens, and Rian steps out. He’s about to say something to Alex, but Alex just shakes his head.

“I don’t even want to know, dude. Just don’t tell her I’m awake.” Alex says, and Rian nods. They go their separate ways, and Alex crawls under his sheets and rolls himself into a cocoon of self-loathing. He falls asleep replaying the events from the previous night in head. Right before dozing off he concludes that he is an idiot.

The apartment is quiet when Alex wakes up later. He steps out of his room, and slowly makes his way toward the kitchen. Cassadee is sitting on the couch, Rian’s head in her lap as they watch TV. She raises an eyebrow at him; he just shakes his head (a bad idea considering his monstrosity of a hangover), and heads for the kitchen.

He’s sitting down at the table, face almost in his bowl of cereal when Cassadee pads into the kitchen and sits down across from him. “So what happened last night?” She asks, touching the back of Alex’s head tenderly.

“Which part?” He groans, sinking down lower and just accepting that he literally lying down in milk and soggy cereal.

Cassadee sighs at her friend, and says, “Why’d you leave, Alex? That was rude.”

Alex groans and lifts his head up, one rogue cheerio sticking to left cheek, and frowns at Cassadee. “I’m sorry, Cas. I just I was a little drunk, and then Jack and I don’t even know.” He explains, waving his hands around for emphasis of his confusion.

Cassadee just laughs. Whether it is at Alex how pathetic is, or his hand gestures, is unknown. Alex hopes it’s the latter, it’s probably not.

Cassadee forces Alex out of the house again a few days later, after three days of wallowing in self-pity and his own sheer stupidity. They’re going to Rian’s apartment for drinks with some other friends.

“But I don’t want tooooooo.” Alex complains, drawing out the very last syllable of “to”.

“I don’t careeeee.” She responds, matching Alex’s tone. Alex makes a face at her, and groans. He groans a lot. People ask him about it, he just shrugs and walks away, muttering something about his right to groan whenever he damn pleases.

“I am an adult, I can choose to leave the house whenever I want.” Alex says defiantly, planting his foot harshly on the ground. Cassadee raises her eyebrow at his foot.

“I swear to god Alex, if you’re not ready in an hour I will cut your hair off.” She threatens, eyes narrowing.

“You say that a lot. It’s not really a threat anymore.” Alex laughs.

“Fine. I will make sure every guy you meet knows how much you love it when they smirk.” She grins manically. For such a nice looking girl, Cassadee can be truly evil, because with things like these, she will follow through.

“I hate you.” Alex mutters, trudging back to his bedroom. Cassadee blows a kiss at him from the doorway.

They arrive at Rian’s apartment precisely ten minutes after Rian invited. Cassadee knocks on the door, Alex fidgets. Jack answers the door, smiling at Cassadee and Alex.

“Hey, Cas! What’s up?” He booms, pulling Cassadee into a tight hug. Alex tries to get around them, but there is no room in the cramped doorway and he is trapped between Jack and Cas, and the door. Jack releases Cassadee and she walks into the apartment, and Alex hears her greeting Rian. Which leaves Jack and Alex in the hallway. Alone.

“Hey Alex.” Jack says easily, smiling.

“Hi. I..um…I just-I just wanted to apologize for the other day. I’m just, uh, nervous around you.  I don’t know why. Okay. I’m just gonna…go.” Alex says, walking past Jack. He hears Jack chuckle to himself as he passes, and he almost gives him the finger. Almost.

Rian is nice. He hands Alex a drink, makes him laugh, and doesn’t make him stutter nervously. It’s a nice change. When sitting on the couch later, Alex turns to Cassadee and says, “You’d be good together.” Cassadee grins at him.

After dinner, Cassadee and Rian disappear into the kitchen to “wash dishes”, and it’s just Jack and Alex sitting on opposite ends of the couch together.

“You play the guitar.” Jack says suddenly. Alex’s head shoots up, and he looks right at Jack.

“Y-yeah, why do you know that?” He asks, a little confused how Jack would know that very insignificant detail about his life.

“Cassadee was telling me about you.” Jack says easily, scooting bit closer to Alex.

“Oh..Why?” Alex asks softly, looking at Jack.

“I asked. You’re pretty interesting, Alexander William Gaskarth.” Jack says, smirking at Alex’s shocked expression. Alex doesn’t say anything. “You’re from Balitmore, like me, you play guitar, blush easily, and as far as I can tell, you really like it when I smirk.” Alex is still in shock, so he can’t say much, just nods when Jack smirks again.

They’re closer together now, thighs almost touching on the couch. Jack looks right at Alex, who is staring back, mesmerized by Jack’s confident smirk. The next thing Alex knows, Jack’s lips are pressed to his own, and there is a tongue being pressed into his mouth. “Okay,” he thinks. “This is good, very good. There is a cute boy making out with me on his own will.”

Jack pulls back after a moment, and looks Alex directly in the eye, smirk evident on his face. Alex presses his lips to Jack’s again, and mutters, “Don’t. Fucking. Smirk. At. Me.”

Cassadee and Rian stick their heads out into the living room to call the two boys for help in the kitchen. They’re not really surprised to find that not only are Jack and Alex making out, but Alex has now climbed on top of Jack, and doesn’t seem to be getting off of Jack any time soon.

They retreat back into the kitchen.


jack/alex, jalex

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