Did I promise a rant?

Sep 24, 2007 22:31

There's no LJ cut here, because thats how you fucking want it. Here begins the truth as best as my opinion warrants being put down. First off, I have become a bit disenfranchised with a little gaming organization that some of you may be afflicted with. I say afflicted because nary to the day have I seen more of a drama infested, back stabbing, social whoring and asinine display of douchbaggery and cock blocking-ness that wasn't some form of STD and/or degenerative cellular breakdown in a tight nit gothclub.
I put off my own enjoyment in the org for an entire year to try and put limitations and more flavor into a genre that I am quite a fanboy of. But let's face the reality of it, I did it most for all of you. The general populace of belly-aching assholes who if you rub two neurons together long enough may some day be a threat to someone.
I post to council something resembling my hard-work and dedication(read: mostly my sub co-ords) to the cause of giving some of you knuckle dragging, mouth breathers a chance to prolong the life of a sheet of paper; which apparently contains your self-esteem, drive to bathe and force of will to leave your parent's house on the weekend.
Some of the grievances I have heard have been downright offensive. I mean Kenosha's CM said something to the degree that it was pure crack. Kenosha is that game that I usually point to whenever someone says "That's cracked" and the response is typically "Oh yeah, Keno...". To my knowledge between the DMH and other shit that chicago booted out, these guys arbor more crack in the game than Washington DC does in the real world.
One of you took up the banner of wanting to protect YOUR players when they travel. That's fine, I wish nothing ill towards any players, but characters are another story.
One of the CM's I feel is personally biased(Read: Kolduns killed a sheet of paper) and was picking fights that basically have nothing to do with anything that will reasonably affect the game.
I do have half a mind to just withdraw the proposal let the current packet stand and go back to killing the shit out of any character who displays the mental prowess of an 8 year old with cool powers.
I really think that there will never truly be any way of appeasing council as long as players are CMs. Because Koldunism is the latest crack that WW published so they made it awesome. I think it is awesome for a reason. Kolduns are supposed to be fucking scary. They are the long ranged artillery of the Sabbat. You should not survive an encounter with one unless you were sucking it's appendage of choice with some expertise. If they weren't so god damned paranoid and powerful the Carpathian mountains would probably under someone else's thumb. But it is my thought that most players are scared to fucking death that something may be able to kill a min/maxed Tremere and that they might not have the perfect rarity 1 or 2 thaum path to get it right away. Because god forbid someone get the drop on their own bloodline.

OK thats all you bastards get out of me right now.

The Word
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