The Ties That Bind, Part 2

Apr 14, 2009 02:43

Night Moves (Ivy)

Rachel is sitting there stunned on the floor of the Sanctuary as I saunter smuggly towards my bathroom.  Part of me is wondering if I pushed her too hard, back there.  A girls should be eased in to her first same sex encounter, after all.  Truth be told, though, the larger part of me is just a little bit bitchy that its taken her so long to come to terms with her feelings.  We should be well beyond this point by now.  Fortunately, I'm not the one with the impulse control problem.  She's not used to telling herself no and that will work in my favor.  Five minutes after I'm soaking in the tub, she'll be all over me.  I'll call Glen when I get out of the tub to reschedule our date.  I should just break it off with him.  He's a nice guy and I have fun with him, I just don't love him.  Its not fair to him, or to Rachel.

The tub fills with hot water and bubbles and I can't help the sigh of relief as I lower myself into it.  God I've missed soaking in a hot bubble bath.  Three months of showers just aren't realaxing enough for me.  Where the hell is Rachel, she needs to be in here with me, damn it!  I glance at the little travel clock I put on the sink counter to keep track of the time.  Fifteen minutes and still no Rachel.  She must have greater will power than I gave her credit for.  I can hear her shower going.  I hope its cold enough to calm her down after the state I left in.  Then again...

Forty-five minutes of soaking, and I'm ready to get out.  I need to see if Rachel is okay then call Glenn and tell him to forget about it.  I dry off, wrap a towl around my body, and head for the door.  The smell of coffee is filtering through to make me thirsty.  Maybe I should pad into the kitchen and see what my girl thinks of me.  No, bad Ivy, get dressed, call Glenn then go tease Rache some more.  I leave the bathroom and close the door silently behind me, while glancing towards the kitchen.  Part of me wishes she would come this way.  I need to see that look on her face.

With a sigh, I turn to go into my room only to find Rachel leaning against my door watching me.  Her eyes lock with mine and go from the green I love to solid black, there is no white in them at all.  Despite their color, I can see her desire shine from them.  A shiver runs through me as my own desire rises.  It seems to get amplified and reflected back at me with those hypnotic eyes.  I can't move.  Its like a vampiric aura, I can't look away.  She walks forward, backing me into the bathroom door.  She hasn't said a word, or even touched me, and I'm wet.

Rachel places her hands against the door on either side of my head and smiles.  I stop breathing as I catch a glimpse of fang.  Oh, God, she's wearing her caps...I force the air out and try to breathe normally.  Rache is pushing my buttons without doing anything.  I can't lose this game.  She needs to beg, not me.  Without breaking eye contact, my head gently turns to the side unconsiously exposing my neck.  Damn it, no!  I will my head to turn back and see her smile widen, showing even more fang.

Leyline energy flows from her and slides across my body like dozens of caressing hands.  I bite my lip to keep from moaning and writhing from the sensation.  Some of the energy makes it way down to my folds and actually starts stroking me.  ITS FUCKING STROKING ME!!!  How in the hell am I supposed to not respond that.   Before I can come up with a plan, the energy all over me slams hard into me, like a lover's thrust.   Rachel slams more and more energy into me, filling me.  Then she slowling pulls it out.  In and out, in and out.  I feel the first tingles of my impending climax and a whimper escapes my lips.  She leans in so that her mouth is right at my ear.

"All I wanted to do was make love to you," her said.  Her voice is velvet and honey with the hint of desires fulfilled.  "I missed you so bad, Baby.  I was hoping to welcome you home by worshipping every inch of your body with tongue."

Her eyes return to their usual green as the energy is yanked out of me, leaving me gasping.

"Oh right, you have a date," she continues in her normal voice.  Then spins on her heal and heads towards the coffee.  Her hips swaying provocatively all the way to the kitchen.

I can do nothing but stare after her and wonder how she did that.  I'm still there five minutes later, when she comes back down the hall.  Walking with a purpose to the front door.  Rachel grabs a set of keys and heads out the door without a backwards glance.  Only after the door closes do I regain any sense of composure.  I dive into my room and throw on the clothes that I laid out on the bed.  I dial Glenn's number so that I can brush him off and go in search of the vixen that just one upped a living vamp.  Two rings and the line picks up.

"Sorry Ivy, Detective Glenn is busy with Cali and me at the moment.  I don't think he'll have any energy left to play with you once we're done with him.  Bye," and the line clicks off.

Damn, that Witch is more underhanded than I gave her credit for.

My cell phone chirps with an incoming text page.  There is no return number, just a simple message:  LILITH's, MIDNIGHT.  That's two hours away and I have no idea where Lilith's was.  So I head for my computer to find out as much information as I can before heading out.

Turns out that Lilith's was Cincy's hottest Inderlander resteraunt and dance club.  It opened shortly after I left to landmark business.  Despite having an MPL, it caters to vamps with other Inderlanders and Humans allowed by invitation only.  Its located in a converted, three story, warehouse on the river just three miles from Rynn's place.  The lower lever is a resteraunt, the middle is the dance club.  Each has its own entrance.  Wonder what's on the third.  Doesn't really matter, I guess.

I pull a carton of Chinese take out from the fridge and nuke it.  The orange chicken good and it doesn't take me long to polish it off.  I'm down the hall collecting my things in minutes.  I just know that I'm going to meet up with my favorite redhead once I get to Lilith's.

In no time at all, I'm sitting at the bar in Lilith's nursing a glass of warmed red wine.  There's no sign of Rachel and its only a couple of minutes before midnight.  The noise level drops as the crowd buzzes with anticipation.  The lights dim, and a spotlight shines on a private booth near the end of the bar.  Santana's Black Magic Woman plays out over the speakers, and I nearly fall out of my chair as Rachel Morgan makes her way to the stage at the back of the dance floor.

She's wearing a red silk top with ruffled sleeves that barely covers the bottom of her rib cage, black leather hip-huggers that lace all the way up the sides, leaving a two inch wide swath of exposed skin down her legs and knee high black leather boots.  To complete the outfit,  gold stud earrings and a red silk choker.  Her movements are slow and provacative.  Like she is making love to the air as she walks.  She takes the stage and goes straight to the microphone.  You can hear a pin drop as the crowd waits, breathless for what is about to happen.

Music starts and with her velvet and honey voice she begins to sing.

"I put spell you, and now your mine.  You better stop the things that you do.  You better watch out, I ain't lyin'..."  She finishes the song to rapted silence.

Her honey and velvet voice with the hint of desires fulfilled slides through the crowd like a lover's caress.

"My Baby didn't take care of me tonight so I'm all pent up with nobody to play with," she purrs, "Let's dance.  Maybe one of you will finally get lucky and help me scratch that itch...if you can guess my drink."

Rachel turns her back to the crowd, falling into the arms of women in front of the stage as the dance music starts.  She stays out on the floor for the first dance.  When the song ends comes up to the bar, takes the seat to my left, and ignores me while flirting with the blonde whore fawning over her.  All eyes are on the two of them as the blonde keeps guessing drinks while Rachel shakes her head.  The blonde is getting more touchy-feely with each guess.  I need to put an end to this before I kill the walking Bite Me Betty doll.  The rest of the crowd has noticed my reaction and I can see somebody heading to get the bouncer.  With a quick word to the bartender, I put a Dead Man's Float within Rachel's eyesite.

She spins to face me and my heart skips a beat.  Her green eyes flash between absolute love, adoration, tenderness, joy and wonder.

"Ivy, you remembered my drink," she says softly before leaning in an kissing me shyly.

Everything else is forgotten.  She picks up the drink, takes my hand and leads me to her private booth.  The blonde isn't the only one staring daggers at me as I follow.  I almost run into her when she stops suddenly.  Rachel moves around the booth and down a short hall to an elevator.  Pulling me inside, she hits the door closed button.  Then she inserts a key, turns it, and we move up to the third floor.

"What's up here," I ask curiously.  Arching my eyebrow when she doesn't answer.  She doesn't have to.  The elevator doors open up to a private apartment lit by the soft flickers of candlelight.  Still silent, she leads me through the apartment to the bedroom.  She turns to just inside the door tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Please, no games," she pleads,"my heart is yours.  Make love to me and claim my body and soul.  I'm not afraid of what that means anymore.  I just don't want to play any games tonight, we've both waited too long for this..."

I stop her words with kiss, gently take in my arms, kick the door shut and lay her on the bed.  With a snap of her fingers, her clothes turn to smoke and vanish.  I can't help but admire her naked beauty.  She smirks as she waits for me to fumble out of my own clothes.  There has never been a time that I've been so clumsy.  God, I can't believe this is finally going to happen.  

same as the last one

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