Now, you thought I was bad when pimping BBC7? You ain’t, as I believe Bachman Turner Overdrive once put it, seen nothing yet.
So you’ve seen me mention Joking Apart a fair few times. A couple of my Flist know it very well. Many know enough to know that’s some 90s BBC show with that Robert Bathurst in, that Becky thinks is hilarious. And the rest of you are probably all, “What? What *do* you keep going on about? And why?”
Well, the Sekrit OMG FanNews that I couldn’t reveal a months ago, because of complications, I now can:
Joking Apart is one of those sitcoms (because let’s be honest, there's a list) that the BBC have treated rather badly over the years in terms of publicity, releases, or general repeats (OMG, remember when you couldn’t watch Red Dwarf Series 1? Am I showing my age?). Not because it’s crap, you understand, and this is what makes it inexplicable. It’s true that the viewing figures weren’t particularly high, but I’ve never met anyone who didn’t enjoy it. Seriously.
The writer is Steven Moffat, who you may know from Coupling, Chalk, Press Gang, or even Doctor Who (The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances, The Girl in the Fireplace!).
Joking Apart is like Coupling, but BETTER. And I say that genuinely as a Coupling fan. I’d say that Robert’s character Mark is very similar to Steve, but given that his observational rants take the form of stand-up comedy sequences, they’re perhaps more plausible in Joking Apart. Oh, shush, I had a point somewhere.
So what’s the story in a nutshell? Mark and Becky (yes) appear to be no more. Having initially fallen in love with his humour, Becky has now tired of Mark’s superficial wisecracks and is drifting away. And Mark is not prepared for her to drift away.
Sounds grave, doesn’t it? Moffat’s good at inserting poignant moments where you least expect them, but don’t be fooled into thinking it’s not funny. Because I’ve known people to do themselves an injury, particularly during the last ten minutes of series 2, episode 1 - which won a Montreaux Award by the way. Oooohhhheeeeeeooooh!
Not only is Joking Apart just an overall great sitcom, it’s classic British farce. You know, not the rubbish cheesy farce, but proper farce as it should be done. And yes, there’s a bit of drag in there too. If like me, you like a bit of Carry On, you’re definitely catered for. And despite it’s domestic appearance, JA is very racy. Coupling fans will be aware that Coupling isn’t afraid to be on the saucy and smutty side, and JA is the same. Bedhopping, handcuffs, prostitutes - yah, it’s all there. Plus Robert Bathurst not being dressed much, if I allow some fangirling in there too.
The reason I’m so keen to pimp it is that the DVD has a very unique history - it’s being produced by a fan for the fans. One individual - good old Craig who’s put up with my fangirl babblings for quite a bit now - has bought the rights himself. This, by the way,
mysticheaven is who Robert and me were going on about in case you were all understandably 'WTF?' at that point (“Craig..” “Craig Robins?” “Oh, you know him?” “Yeah, Craig Robins.” “Oh right, Craig?” etc. Lol, pay attention Robert).
He has the TV background and everything, so rest assured it’s in very safe professional hands. But obviously he’s really had to put his hand in his pocket, so it would help if the DVD does well obviously (a grand for getting a BBFC certicate! A grand!). Plus, most importantly of all, the chance of a second series depends on how well this one does.
And as a side note, the BBC need to learn to listen to their public, as it were.
The only thing I've never 100% about Joking Apart was the title sequence. Slightly on the naff side. Still, move along, there's no more criticisms to see here.
THE SHORT VERSION: So to recap, Becky wants YOU (insert pointing poster here) to check it out.
ReplayDVD firstly. For £14.99 (postage free) it’s yours. For international shipping, check out Ebay (bearing in mind it's Region 2).
3) Robert Bathurst. Maybe it’s the fluffeh hair, the sarkyness, handcuffs or the lack of clothes, but this role really does seem to turn heads of those not previously interested. There should be a warning that you could end up a fangirl like me. Or, fanboy.
4) Steven Moffat = genius. Possibly his finest moment.
5) Show the BBC who’s boss when it comes to fans.
6) Despite a shortage at the old Beeb, Craig pulled out the stops to make sure there was extras. And so he arranged for Bathurst, Moffat, Fiona Gillies and Tracy Bennett to do interviews and commentaries back in January. OMGZGSYUDGEYGEYU!!!!!!111.
7) Try it. For me. For Craig. For you. Pwease. I’ll post episode guides, pics, and clips if you want more convincing. . You knows it. [/pimping!hat]