*Your* love and *my* love have *got* to combine!

Feb 03, 2006 19:23

There I was, just minding my own business when I was tagged by mysticheaven.

Directions: List 10 celebrities that you find attractive. Then tag 5 of your friends.

Okay, by no means definitive:

1~ Franz Ferdinand (If Emma's going to cheat and have all of Foo, then I shall have Franz as one entity too!)
2~ Chris Barrie (duh)
3~ Robert Bathurst (naturally. I don't mean Robert naturally...although...no wait, yes.)
4~ Alan Rickman (old habits die hard. OMG, I just unintentionally punned.)
5~ Nick Rhodes (likewise)
6~ Angelina Jolie (still, despite being Teh Evile Husbande Stealer. Tch.)
7~ David Tennent (Just tell the hoardes of fangirls I was here first)
8~ Claire Grogan (obviously I must have a Scottishe Fetishe. Watch out miss_lancing.)
9~ Julian Barratt (because the Boosh is back.)
10~ Philip Glenister (well, he is the Gene Genie.)

Just be thankful I didn't put Boris Johnson in there. Oh.

Tag 5 friends?
Seeming as Emma's already done it and Perdy's already tagged:
dracothelizard, liz_duncalf,melusinesara, miss_lancing,roxulasbride
This doesn't really matter of course, becuase I consider YOU ALL TAGGED :P

No sign of clone girl today. BUT there was a man (who looked amusingly similar to Jasper Britton) wearing super shiny shoes and THE SEXIEST PINSTRIPE TROUSERS EVER. But you can't get on a train and tell someone their trousers are Teh Sex. Not legitimately anyway.

Can anyone tell me why 'Eglantine' from Bedknobs and Broomsticks is on a loop in my head? No.

totty, crushes, meme, trains, celebrities, films

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