Gollygosh, two things happened in these last three days that I thought would never happen*. The second happened today.
Verily, for I am employed.
Went for my second job interview today (regarding the first, it is now customary to boo Gordon Riggs whenever passing the centre.) Oddly for me, another candidate was there at the exact same time - kinda weird seeing the competition as it were. Especially as Holly was very nice, in completely the same graduates-no-longer-getting-jobs boat. I was already consoling myself with the thought that if I didn't get the job, at least it would go to someone very lovely.
She seemed just as, if not more, shy and nervous as me. It's rare that I'm the confident one, but I tried to deliver an Oscar worthy performance today, being polite and bubbly with everyone and being all wittty anf charming.
What a flakey.
Anyways, it wasn't half as scary as I thought it would be, not even sitting in front of a panel of interviewers, and everyone seemed really friendly and nice.
Lo and behold, by some miracle I am now to be working at Hollingworth High School.
The second smegging marvellous thing I really will post soon, honest.
*Has Hell freezed over yet? Our house has.