Mar 24, 2005 16:19
Right. That's it.
Some keen observationists may notice that I don't post on Mauve Alert as much as the C3BS. Which is okay, until you consider that it's my own site. This is because, despite my best attempts, I don't like Mauve as a community. Both in it's functionality - which is mostly down to MSN not listening - and in it's atmosphere. There's something I've never been comfortable with. For some reason I can't bring to it the air which I've tried to bring to the C3BS for four years.
Well now everyone's just proving why. For God's sake everyone take a fucking chill pill and stop sniping at each other for whatever fucking trivial reason I WILL NOT HAVE NEGATIVITY ON MY BOARD.
This is on top of the fact that recently we've had spamming trouble, all other sorts of trouble, people taking things, me not getting the slightest bit of appreciation for stuff, etc.
I mean, I could just let it die like my other websites/communities seeming as I have other fandoms to attend to. Don't make me do that.
I was supposed to post some nice fandom stuff today, bit of picspam, bit of that essay I was writing, but right now I'm just too pissed off with the whole fan thing.
mauve alert