I used to go about how I'd have more interesting blog entries if anything interesting ever happened. What I didn't consider in this cunning plan is that, if interesting things actually happened, I'd be too busy doing them to actually blog about them. OH, IT'S CATCH 22.
You may be pleased to hear - actually, chances are that you're indifferent but I'm telling you now anyway - that the bathroom. Is. Finished. Two polish guys came and sorted it out in an outstanding display of efficiency that those other blokes could only dream of. (Sidenote: I could have sworn I've already mentioned this, but LJ is telling me otherwise. Baffling) They turned up early, never stopped for tea, never played our entire CD collection, never flooded the house, and actually put stuff where it's meant to go. It was weird. We had no idea how they were getting along because none of us can speak fluent (or even basic) Polish but damn, they should have done the bathroom first time around.
Now, I better cover some of the more crappy stuff so at least some of you know why I was having such a crappy time of it in June and July. Part of it was due to a lost character from my past.
If you're on Twitter, you may have noticed me sporadically ponder the whereabouts of my father. That's because I hadn't heard from him in 1 1/2 years. That was when, after several months of already not hearing anything, I attempted to ring him on his birthday and he didn't reply. After that I couldn't get hold of him at all. As you can imagine, I didn't know whether to feel worried or angry. It's like, Xmas 2007 he was in hospital and was annoyed no one said anything. That's because no one had any idea he was there. Etc. So there I was wondering if something awful had happened or he was just being shit. Thankfully he decided to answer that for me by making a comeback in June. He phoned up my Mum demanding a divorce ("A divorce?""Yes a divorce.""A divorce?" [/Joking Apart]). He's got his own family now and All That. James apparently went into a rage afterward because Dad didn't ask about me or anything. I wasn't even mentioned. James, bless him, said he'd love kids and yet my Dad's got a daughter "and treats her like shit".
He followed this up with a phone call threatening to get the police onto my Mum. Something about her stealing his money. If you've known me well over the years, you can join in with the collective eye roll at this point because we all know he didn't have a job OR money during those last few hellish years we were a 'family'. To be honest, it was me who had all the moolah - thanks only to a student loan - because I had to keep coming to the financial rescue. This is a long way round of saying this is his usual brand of bollocks and at least Mum's not too alarmed. We haven't heard another follow up.
Whilst it shit me up a bit in June, all of this is no surprise to me whatsoever. I've not put much thought to it since because I can finally just move on and not waste time worrying. I don't understand why, for about five minutes, he actually bothered with me - but the sad truth is that it didn't feel normal and this does. I mean, I'm mostly concerned about the possibility of some poor sod also having him as a father. I'm not sure anyone deserves that.
I'll finish up with the rest of the sad in another entry, and then we'll get on with the more MARVELLOUS.