... Whoa, it's been a *week* since I've last checked my Flist? That won't do. Especially as I've just had to epically catch up with it. Sorry. And I see LJ has ended me userpic priv-il-ledges while I was away from it, wah. 37 doesn't seem like enough, even though it should be. Especially next to 6. Or 3 - remember that?
I've not been away from the internets, funnily enough, just Very Very Busy. Partly with Your Actual Writing, partly with some...erm....drama.... at the weekend which was hopefully just a temporary glitch in life, and mostly with fandom stuff, in fact. In between working on a fanvid, I've got my paws on a copy of
A Breed of Heroes, which is great for playing "OMG WHERE HAVE I SEEN THEM BEFORE?" with. I might post more on that in the future. And also, the new Sparks album, which I adore. And, big letters, wait for it:
Which is amazing. It's only took 10 years. I thought they should stop faffing about with a movie and get on with a special and looks like that may be happening once the cast stop getting arresting, LOLZ.