Jul 04, 2008 00:17

Yes, look, a meme! Like OLD DAYS.

1.) If I were a doll, the accessories packaged with me would be:
A permanently attached pink iPod, a range of wigs, candy, a pink guitar, and more shoes than She’ll Ever Need.

2.) I have an irrational fear of:
chavs. It’s not irrational, surely.

3.) What type of food do you eat at your grandparents house?
Eh? Well, given it’s usually Christmas, Christmas dinner it is - vegetarian option for me, naturally. Any other occasion and we usually have a kind of buffet, with salad, cheese and finger food things because my cousin won’t do proper meals.

4.) What weight were you when you were born?
… Something like 9 I think. I started off BIG in life and downsized from there.

5.) What would you do if you were stranded on an island with the person you hate most?
Is it a rather big island where I can just go behind some trees and ignore them completely? Otherwise we’d have to bond sooner or later. And given I very rarely hate people, they must be a right shit. It doesn’t bode well in this imaginary scenario.

6.) What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?
Who by? I’d have to be with someone in the first place in this similarly imaginary scenario. There’d probably be some tears and, because I’m your atypical Scorpio, a few years of vengeful resentment accumulating in delayed revenge. Probably.

7.) Do you stalk anyone on myspace?
No. That’s what Facebook is for. LOLZ LMAO LOLZ

8.) I find the thought of childbirth:
frightening. I’m lucky if I get through the month the way my inner workings are [/TMI ALERT]. Although, gawd, my subconscious must be broody at the moment. The other night I dreamt I was in some shopping centre with my Mum and I was all, ‘Oh, I'm pregnant, by the way.’, looking anything but actually, and she’s all, ‘Again? That’s the second time now’ and I think she was being the active voice of my sleeping mind. And it’s been more than twice. Anyway.

9.) Next door to my house is:
Which house? This one, there’s a really noisy family with lots of tents and a motorcyclist on the other side. At home!home there’s a sweet but very nosy lady and on the other a dutch family who are hardly ever there but have two REALLY TINY dogs and like to sing Britney Spears songs on karaoke at lunchtime. I’ve gathered.

10.) My feet are:
Neat, clean and awkwardly sized at 5.5. And short far toes with either red or purple nail varnish.

11.) My preferred style of jeans is:
… I DON’T DO JEANS. Actually - I CAN’T DO JEANS. They never fit me. I look stupid in them and uncomfortable. I know. I’ve owned the same pair since I was 12, they get worn that often.

12.) Why is your #1 on My Space?
I don’t know, I haven’t been there for ages. *Looks* T’is Emma!

13.) Know how to cook?
Not really. I can do a few things but I’m no domestic goddess.

14.) I am annoyed with:
Oh, a lot of things. People, mostly.

15.) What is the worst way you were dumped?
Well, it wasn’t really being dumped. He just started sleeping with his friend and I was all, ‘WHHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?’ and he did the ‘I see you as a friend!’ and I was wondering what all flirting business and the bed business and the I FANCY YOU business was all about. *shrugs*

16.) What child-related smell do you not like?
Do you mean actual children? ‘Cause a nappy is never going to be rose-scented is it? Or that really weird wee and cheap loo paper mix you get in infant school toilets.

17.) Insert random question here.
…. Is this a note to yourself, Mr Anonymous question poser, or an instruction to me? You want me to ask YOU a question? That’s breaking the laws of meme physics. You’re BLOWING MY MIND.

18.) What color hair do most of the people you are around have?
A sort of nondescript light brown I guess. Back at home I’ve got my Mum’s RED hair, and I’ve generally done my bit to provide rainbow hair.

19.) What object have you broken recently?
People’s hearts.

20.) Name one of the Spice Girls.
Geri. I had a big crush on Geri. Not now, just when she was Ginger Spice. Shut up.

21.) What was the last thing to make you cry?
I was getting to sleep the other night and no apparent reason I suddenly thought of the way little Cho used to sit at the window waiting for everyone to come home and she’d make this little chirrupping squeaky sort of singy sound when they did, and how I’ll never hear it again. I think counting sheep is a better sleep method.

22.) What are the stems on wine glasses for?
… holding, surely?

23.) My favorite shoes are:
Where do I START. OMG shoes. SHOES. I’d probably say my glittery red ones. In five minutes it’ll probably be a different pair. And again. I should do a shopespam. Move on quickly.

24.) Do you use chopsticks?
I’m hopeless with them. I’ve watched Robert use them though, and he’s a MASTER.

25.) Do you prefer beaches or forests?
Maybe beaches because I’m less likely to get AGH THINGS IN MY HAIR syndrome. I’m no sun worshipper but beaches are pretty and have piers and donkeys and amusement arcades. Forests are gorgeous but are lacking in these things.

26.) What serial killer do you find most disturbing?
… well, all of them are preeeeeeeeeeety disturbing. I used to get freaked out as a kid because Myra Hindley was in the news a lot at the time my primary school teacher looked exactly like her.

27.) Who knows a secret or two about you?
You probably all do.

28.) Have you ever burned yourself?
Always. Usually with hair related appliances, LAWL. Crimping irons are particularly dangerous.

29.) Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
No one, I hope. I would hope that the popular girls at school who did have MOVED ON by now.

30.) Who is/are your hero[es]?
My family and friends, especially the online ones. Smushy.

31.) Do you believe in things that last forever?
I’d like to.

32.) What are you listening to?
Last year’s episodes of Out to Lunch, as it happens. It’s not as good as it used to be, though.

33.) What do you smell like?
Almonds. With lime shampoo.

34.) Are you married?
No, unsurprisingly.

35.) Does anyone regularly tell you they love you?
How regularly?

36.) What's the most confusing to you?
It wouldn’t all fit in here. Life, the Universe, and everything.

37.) Do you have any bad habits?
Probably. I should even start to list them all as I still want people to remotely like me.

38.) Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
Briefly, when I was about 10. Working amongst very stressed out teachers killed off any shred of that ambition for sure.

39.) What is one thing you've learned about life?
Nothing last forever. Not even cold November rain.

40.) What's your favorite color?
Purple, hot pink, green, red… and the entire rainbow spectrum, really.

41.) Have you ever been stuck in an elevator?
Thankfully not. Everytime I get in a LIFT I start thinking about Damien: Omen II, really. The bit with the doctor.

42.) What does your dad call you?
Don’t. Go. There!

43.) Have you ever sang in front of people?
Yep, used to be in a choir and then was the lead singer of two bands for about five minutes of my life.

44.) What are you looking forward to?
Looking forward to having something to look forward to?

meme, dreams

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