Four things of no particular importance:
1) The Boosh night was verrr verrr good. Although they almost ignored the best series, Craig still doesn't 'get it', and the
Eels song appears to be scheduled to play on loop in my head for ever more. # FINDIN' AN ENTRANCE WHERE THEY CAN #.
2) Earlier today...
OMG DRESS. £25? £25? Have I got-
ME: OI! I was... I was *thinking* there, you bugger.
Oh, I hate that. That dress is going to *haunt* me now.
3) I still have no idea when this Maretine Collines thing is going to turn up. The PR guy reckons it'll be on this week, peeled.
And finally, what did my subconscious dish up last night in relation to Robert?
Well, it appears I went into a kitchen I've never seen before in my life to inform Craig of 'bad news'. Apparently Robert's wife had died. This wasn't news to him as allegedly Robert had told us this at the last Hut 33 recording. The subconscious me paying far less attention than the real me, there. This is very naughty of my subconscious to imagine such a thing, by the way. It really isn't wishful thinking - as far as I'm aware, she's very lovely.
In fact, bizarrely I was the only one who seemed to be concerned by the news in the dream. Everyone else was all, '"Whatever, she's been in hospital for aaaages'".
So, anyway, how does this sad sorry story pan out then?
Well, Robert apparently goes and stays with my Mum and James for No. Logical. Reason. Whatsoever. And I come to stay too, obviously. All this in another house I've never seen in my life (I think, after changing location so many times in the last five years, my head's just given up on trying to replicate anywhere and has taken to MAKING THEM UP instead).
Despite being rather blase about it earlier, Robert's obviously been affected somehow because he starts going all Bobbeh2. And dying his hair red. Bright Red. With blonde highlights. And even in the dream my reaction was something along the lines of OMGWTFLMAO GINGERSPICE!!!!!1111. And then we went shopping together in some trendy emo place with RAWK T-SHIRTS and what have you. Yeah.
And just to prove it hadn't finished being silly, my subconscious then went off on some tangent story about my cat (one I *don't* own) getting possessed in the shop by a not-particularly-evil-rather-lazy-in-fact demon cat. Apart from changing appearance it seemed to be completely unaffected. Not to mention the fact that this storyline wasn't exactly hyped up:
SHOP LADY: Oh, your cat's possessed, by the way.
ME: Really?
ROBERT: What about this t-shirt, Bex?
ME: Hang on. What's happened to my cat, exactly?
SHOP LADY: Oh, some invisible demon cat took over it's soul. You might want to watch out for that.
TWO PEOPLE BECKY HASN'T SEEN SINCE HIGH SCHOOL: Hi! We're Donna and Crystal and we're going to pop up for all of two seconds because your subconscious thinks we might visit such an establishment as this. Other than that, we serve no purpose to the plot whatsoever.
ME: ....I don't remember bringing a cat in here.
But the magical shop lady made it all alright again and turned it into a ginger tabby kitten and we all went home happily ever after.
And then I woke up and went and watched Wind in the Willows. The End.