First of all:
dracothelizard! ~
Who PWNs lengthiness. In being my LJ Friend, that is. Many happy returnathons. LJ, by the way, very rudely believed you have a 'Bad User Name'. It is wrong.
Less importantly, had the most smashing dream this morning involving me actually being one of the characters I've completely made up. The dream was far better than anything I've put to paper, too. It involved lots of running through corrdors and unexpected invisible spaceships - your standard sci-fi fare, then.
The night before involved me waiting impatiently in a car park for Robert to go to this free muffin stall thing there (because naturally, that's where you'd set one up) whilst pointing out that filling his face wasn't being very useful, before apparently going to a school I've never been to and complaining that I couldn't sit next to my 'friends' in assembly (all of whom would be relieved in reality anyway). Pales in comparison, rly.
I've not had as many celebrity dreams lately, it seems, apart from going to see Ross Noble twice last week, and those certainly weren't the best shows he's done because he went missing halfway through. I think subconscious is struggling to better the zombie/alien invasion epics it cooked up. Still, nice to see it has a favourite genre.
Nothing much has happened in that real life thing.