Seeming as I've been addicted to it since rediscovering it on Teh Ewetube, life decided to present me with a perfect occasion to sing Hugh Lauries's
WHERE IS THE LID song. Because seriously, where was my powder lid? Where did it go when I haven't moved from the spot since removing it? Where is the lid? Where is the, where is the, where is the lid?
I know it's not important. I could go without powder for the day. It's not even loose powder, it'll be alright for a few hours. Strangely though, when you're in danger of being late for work, suddenly it becomes highly important that the location of this inoculous plastic lid is found. Just *because*.
It was on my desk all along, I know where it is now. I think we all do.
In other news - Monday. I dreamt about Franz Ferdinand. On stage, singing This Fire. In drag.
Where have you been? It's no fun without you! Come, stay a while and let's see what other dreams you have in that Bag of Crazy