*FANGIRL FLAIL*I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's going to be in my system for some time. I think that was partly brought on by the dream I had about Robert this morning. So glad - the celeb dreams seem to bugger off whenever I'm in London. Or maybe it's just because my waking life was more interesting for once (seriously, the number of times I thought I was dreaming last week was incredible. I very nearly did something silly. No, hang on, I *did*). Or maybe it's because I was only having about 2 hours sleep due to Aunty Cipation keeping me awake. Anyway.
A (suspiciously younger and darker haired) Robert was helping me with some notes for something. I say something, he wasn't actually being very helpful. The idea was that I was meant to be paraphrasing whatever he was talking about from a sheet, but I had trouble trying to figure what points he was making. Or what he was wittering about in general.
When he went to the toilet I confirmed that it was much easier just to look at the sheet he was reading from in the first place and make notes from *that*. Mind you, when he came back he couldn't be bothered himself and whispered conspiratorially, 'Do you have biscuits?' and whipped out a packet. Bobbeh2's crap for revising with but he's got the best chocolate biscuits.
And then I had a dream about the Franz boys! Alas, I don't think I was dating them this time. We were in public toilets - yes - and it was the ladies'. So I don't think they should have been there at all, really. Paul didn't care, he was off having the world's longest pee without a care in the world. Alex and Nick on the other hand, well, they're the thief and the slag. Lord knows what they're up to. But then they spot that there's a policeman outside because this surely this is the only public bathroom to have a window on the main door. So they decide to hide in a cubicle by crouching on the toilet whilst I, in my girly slapper heels pretend there's only a lady in there. Note that Paul's not bothered about being in this plan. Just as well, it's not the best one I've ever heard - is this policeman really coming in anyway? Oh no, he is. The plan's to distract him and they'll sneak out quietly one by one.
Thanks to waking up, I don't know if they ever succeeded, but I'm far more bothered about where Bobbeh1 is.
It's not like I've been planning a special Bobbehfic last night or anything...