I hope it's okay to post this here, I wasn't sure where else I could share it! Caleb/Nathan is a pretty significant side-pairing, the story's partly written as Caleb/Nathan through their girlfriends' points of view.
Title: Stumbling Through Our Sad Parade
Author: likecharity
Pairing: Jessie Baylin/Lily Aldridge, hints at Caleb Followill/Nathan Followill
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Real person femslash, hints at incest
Summary: A shiver runs through Lily as she realises they're in this together, involved with these hot-headed boys she has to admit she really knows very little about. And this girl she hardly knows is the only person in her life who understands what she's going through.
A/N: Title from 'Was I On Your Mind' by Jessie Baylin.
The evening draws in and Lily watches from under the shade of the willow trees as people carry on playing in the creek.