Привет, Mayfield.
Russia would like for you to be knowing that years have not been kind to you, comrade. Your stench of rotting Capitalist Decadence is as sickening as always. You will be doing us both a good favor now and returning Russia to proper bed with proper underwear on, Да?
[ dial
tone. ]
[ oh wait--]
And be returning Russia's
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I'm sorry to tell you we've all lost something of value, comrade, and not because of the greed of our captors. It is a test we must face, and the victors will be the only ones to win back their belongings.
Russia is knowing how silly game is working! Wasted year playing for disgusting town--
Was just a long time ago.
...S... no, C- L- P- No, [spelling the letters out in midair- writing and reading are not his strong points] there's an O somewhere in there- C L O P- A? Or an I. N. Not sure if it's with an I or an A, but it ends in an N.
Corne et torne, do I have to spell my last name, too?
Russia slowly puts down his pen. You've escaped Soviet Death Note this time.]
Perhaps can come back later with letter.
Why are you so interested in spelling, anyway?
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