So, who are these people? one point for each one you can get.
I tried out
TrustFlow II for LiveJournal. The following people not on the friends list for
kol are close by:
- jojo_jojo (150 - 200)
- copper13, xavin, castorlion, indykid, ginger_wookie, woodbrook, binidj, sheyna, flangebeast, elthorn (200 - 250)
- urasni, wildwinter, nutti_tart, harrytc, bitofadrizzle, misterdaniel, deadmandancing, skelneth, leycha, profaniti, overload74, pauln, uberluggage, orphiel, sallyf, float_vagabond, ali_ra, jen_ren, kheeram, ciderclaus, badgersandjam, lara_collins, spoon_doom, fuseblues, adze, songbird78 (250 - 300)
- solabar, ribenademon, half_orc, purplemarauder, albevan, sunblade, ittimin, die_fleiderhat, very_far_away69, north5, leontheconfused, bunting, catpooka, gavbod, wyzziwig, evil_chalkie, dr_sneaky, spiraltower, mr_jam, tatty_tigermoth, steve_c, littlesnowy, mystiqueela, jeebus_ed, fundessie, garethyoung, pax_draconis, jfs, badminky, dodgybren, ephraim, julie_w, pickettywitch, jimfer, nyarbaggytep, poppymayhem (300 - 350)
- yorkshire_spam, _peter, doveston, calicoa, greatbigshowoff, maelgwyn, martincutbill, magicbucket, psysquid, gsw, fourmyle, shanks01, jayphoenix, caribou95, herrnyder, lupercal, silkchat, iancrawford, defcheese, a_c_macklin, larians, vicksteroo, bluekindred, ashenkat, briccy, coallump, squintywitch (350 - 400)
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TrustFlow II: Who is closest to your friends