Yes I love my car so much(sarcasm) I have to pay a hefty some of money to get it back now and it isn't even paid off....I don't make this kind of money. Anyway... I have never done a sweet picture post so I am going to show some of my favorite pictures I have taken. I will probably split this up so if you have comments you can leave them on all or just one post :) Warning....may take a little while to load, please be patient and also if an image isn't showing up trying right clicking and clicking show image....if this does not work and you wanna see the pics....just IM me on AIM: kokushibyuu
Edit: nevermind for right now....just keep checking back and I'll get them up.
Well that's enough for now and if the quality is shitty or you can't see them blame photobucket because I wasn't sure if anyone could see them when I posted them from image station. Well if you wanna see the original versions just IM me. :)