Quiz thingy from Lena-Chan!

Nov 12, 2005 00:40

I randomly saw one of the Cafe Girls at Lyons late at night last night. Was it just me or was that hard to say. Anyway, yeah. I felt like a douche because I was trying to avoid looking over there. When I saw down I notice they were talking about me and I just mind my own business. Later I noticed so I went over there and talk a little bit. I don't know if I seemed desperate for converation or something but it was nice seeing her. Hopefully if things still work out I'll be heading to Wonderful III with a bunch of the girls who work at the cafe for some lunch. They have wonderful personalities and what not. Really good looking too 0.o One girl reminds me a bit of Trina and one girl reminds me of Lena. Anyway, if things fall through it will be the third time in a row and I'm just going to stop trying. Anyway yes. Read my quiz and find out how much of a pathetic loser I am and how much time I have to waste.

Name: Mark
Birthdate: June 26th 1984
Birthplace: Santa Cruz
Current Location: Grass Valley, Californa
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Darkish. 0.o
Height: 6'2
Righty or Lefty: Right
Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Your heritage: All I know is that Im part German.
The shoes you wore today: My DCs my nephew picked out for me xD
Your weakness: Someone in need. Most vulerable to a girl I fancy who is in need. I'd do anything at that point.
Your fears: No being able to get into a relationship. Saying something douchetastic. Sex Slave Robots.
Your perfect pizza: Hawaiian with Pepperoni (maybe with some bacoon too)
Goal you'd like to achieve: I want to be able to do something good that I will always be remembered for (Not exactly me but the act)

Your most overused phrase on IM: So whats new?!
Your thoughts first waking up: "Why am I so damned horny >.<"
Your best physical feature: I wouldn't know. Mouth/Smile maybe?!
Your bedtime: Usually two or three in the morning
Your most missed memory: "I shouldn't be doing this." "Oh no you dont." -Kiss- xD

Pepsi or Coke: Coke for regular and Pepsi for Cherry and Coke for Vinilla
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King
Single or group dates: Single. The only group date I went on was with Sarah and I cried... I couldn't hit the bal with my stick >.<
Adidas or Nike: Neither
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea. I was addicted for quite some time.
Chocolate or vanilla: Depends. Chocolate is great with peanut butter. Vanilla is good in coffee.
Cappuccino or coffee: Vanilla Cappuccino

Smoke: Nope
Cuss: A bit. Usually when Im alone or making a joke.
Sing: When Im alone. Sometimes with others if its a goofy song.
Have a crush(es): Yeah. Nothing will probably come out of it though. Nothing ever really has.
Do you think you've been in love: I don't know. I thought so. I thought she loved me. But You can't turn your back on someone you love as easily as she did. I'd say yes because Im still there for her. Still hoping. But Probably no because I shouldn't be.
Want to go to college: Yes... But I want to do better.
Like high school: I liked it. I worked the system and everything was easy for me.
Want to get married: Yeah, when I feel in love and ready.
Believe in yourself: I do at times. When I fancy a girl and I have a shot I'm a cocky bastard. Other than that not really.
Get motion sickness: Not that I know of.
Think you're attractive: Sometimes I think I can be. It depends on my mood.
Think you're a health freak: No, not really. I think I know a lot about health though.
Get along with your parents: Yeah but sometimes things just suck.
Like thunderstorms: Yeah. I love them. Especially when people around me get really scared.
Play an instrument: I used to play Classical guitar.

LAYER SIX: In the past month...
Drunk alcohol: Nope
Smoked: Nope
Done a drug: Nope
Had Sex: Not even a pickle >.< (I've been trying hard not to get close to anyone like that again. It hurts too much >.<)
Made Out: Not even a kiss >.<... or a non-friendly hug >.<
Gone on a date: Nope.
Gone to the mall: Nah.
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: I can't eat that much.
Eaten sushi: Yeah. It was weird. Pretty much just rice but REALLY good.
Been on stage: No.
Been dumped: No. But I have kind of been rejected >.<
Gone skating: Nope. Sounds fun though... I think.
Made homemade cookies: No, thats why my neice was born.
Gone skinny dipping: Haven't in my life.
Dyed your hair: No. But I want to.
Stolen anything: No. Wow. Im fucking boring.. No on all of those.. Wait.. Sushi.. Booya! I rock!

Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yeah, but no one really removed more than a few shoes. It sucks.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Nah.
Been caught "doing something": Depends what that something is. WAIT I never got caught for any of that.. You'll know when Im in jail.
Been called a tease: Yeah. Yeah.... YEAH.. Hahaha.
Gotten beaten up: No, Not really. Unless when I was little and in Karate counts.. Wait, I dont even really think then either. Not that I remember at least =p.
Shoplifted: When I was little I was an evil child. Im glad I was socially traumotised when my family moved out of Lake Tahoe.
Changed who you were to fit in: Everyone does in one way or another. I've never done anything that required much effort though. I think the hardest thing was growing my hair out =p

Age you hope to be married: I'm in no rush. I just want it to be the right time.
Numbers and Names of Children: Im open, I just want a girl named Zoe
Describe your dream wedding: Someplace with lots of trees and maybe a few creeks and rivers. That would be a lot of fun. I could randomly go on a trail with my new wife and just walk and talk and... yeah.. ;_;
How do you want to die: Depends on recent events. If I'm happy I want to go out in a funny way. Like a car crash and writing BRB in my own blood on the windshield...
Where you want to go to college: I'm not sure right now. My last college didn't hold up so I'm searching.
What do you want to be when you grow up: A game Developer would be nice. It sounds childish but I have my plans xD.
What country would you most like to visit: Japan has always been a favorite. Mongolia seems nice for an adventure. And Ireland or NewZealand for some nice site seeing and exploration.

LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl...
Best eye color?: It doesn't much matter to me so long as her eyebrows are real.
Best hair color?: Black.
Short or long hair: Depends. I've usually favored short hair though.
Height: Short ^.~ Short girls are cute. I also really like smaller chested girls too 0.o
Best articles of clothing: I like nice pants. I'm kinda a legman =p
Best first date location: A side walk or a trail. I really like to be able to talk to the person Im going on a date with. I want to get to know them and what not. If not that then maybe a simple resturaunt to talk and eat at.
Best first kiss location: I've liked the few times Its happened in the back of my car. That may sound kinda trashy but you'd have to be there. (butpleasedont.Thatllruinthemomment)

Number of drugs taken illegally: Zero
Number of people I could trust with my life: With my life Stephan. Thats about it. With myself Zero.
Number of CDs that I own: Few. I'm bad and I download most of my music.
Number of piercings: None but after thanksgiving I'll most likely have one. Woot.
Number of tattoos: None, and I have no plans for one either. (not that Im not willing, just nothing I've seen that I care for)
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: Once or Twice.
Number of scars on my body: Theres two on the head of my dick that makes it look like a weird smily face --> =/ see... 0.o And like one on my knee and my knuckle.
Number of things in my past that I regret: Many thing. I can't stop beating myself up for many of them either.
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