Jun 21, 2009 22:49
New Record, it's been five weeks before I got tired of being in my parents home. That's the longest I've lasted. But no matter how much I say this, I'm still scared of living on my own...
I just got my paycheck from my new not-so-glorious job at the garbage dump yesterday and already my dad is trying to mooch off of me when he knows that I'm desperately trying to save up for a car. If I weren't so desperate, I WOULD NEVER STEP FOOT ON A GARBAGE DUMP. We have a KIA Spectra (I think that's the brand) in our driveway that has a broken transmission and it needs $600 to fix. I also have to buy a cell phone.
I never wrote in livejournal about my job!!! But I did on mixi... hmm... you'd think I'd write it in English first... Oh well here goes:
お久し振り、皆はん。最近バイトのせいでめっちゃ忙しくなっちゃって疲れてる。ごみ捨て場でバイトしてる。普通はあんな場所に行けへんけどお父さんの友達 にバイトしたいかどうか聞かれたからさっさと応じた。バイトのやるべきことはごみ収集車がごみをどさっと落すのに良い場所を教えることや。時々俺はタイヤ を拾って別に捨てる。バイトは夜の8時から深夜の4時まで。しんど~~~そして、臭くてたまらんよ。そんな場所ほど臭い所は絶対にないわ。ネズミと野良ネ コとハトはいっぱい居る。きもい。一時以降収集車は来ないから暇になる。バイト中俺はアイポッドを聴いたり本を読んだりするわ。たいてい俺に関西弁を教え てくれる本を読む。バイトで稼いだお金で新しい車と携帯を買うつもりや。俺の上司の喋り方はうざいで。言うことはいつも戯言やからたいてい俺は無視する。 話すたびにアイツの首はおかしく動いて瞳が大きくなる。アイツは自分は大物だと思ってるけど実は捨て場の中間管理職に過ぎん。父さんによるとアイツはドア ホや。アイツは俺の父さんの友だけどずっと気に喰わなかった。バイトは簡単やけど大嫌いやわ。我慢せなあかんで。
haha, I"m a douche, here it is in English:
it's been a while, everyone. Lately I've been very busy and tired because of my job. I work at a garbage dump. Usually, I'd never go there but my dad's friend asked me whether I wanted a job or not and I took it. At work I have to tell the garbage trucks where to dump. Sometimes I have to separate a tire from the garbage pile. Work is from eight in the evening to four in the morning. It's soooo tiring. And it stinks so bad, I can't stand it. There definitely no place as pungent as that garbage dump. There's alot of rats, stray cats, and pigeons. It's disgusting. After one in the morning the trucks stop coming. So during work, I listen to my iPod and read my book that teaches me the Kansai Dialect of Japanese (The Japanese above uses alot of it). With the money I earn, I plan on buying a car and cell phone. My boss is so annoying!!! Everything he says is nonsense, so I usually ignore him. Whenever he talks he moves his neck wierdly and his eyes get big. He thinks he's a big shot, but he's nothing more than middle-management. According to my dad, he's a retard. He's my dad's friend but I've never liked him. The job is easy but I really hate it. I just have to be patient.(Thanks to the Lang-8 people for correcting my kansai dialect)
I'm also getting really annoyed by my stepmother. One she's been using douchebag vocabulary ever since she became an inner city eighth-grade math/science teacher. When she talks to my little sisters she uses words that they wouldn't know. She uses college level vocabulary when she talks to my eight year old sister. I asked her why and she said so she can go to school and use them with her friends. This is just me, but maybe my eight year old sister should focus on words an eight year old is expected to know. What little eight-year-old girl is going to go to school, talk to her friends and use the word serendipitous. Then she got mad because I said booty in front of her. I said, "it's so hot in here, I can smell your booty". My stepmother says, the way you talk around her is not appropriate. Then my other sister said something stupid and my stepmother then said, "Miranda shut the fuck up" in front of my eight-year-old sister. Uh... Hypocrisy much? She also yelled at me for using a third-person pronoun against her when I was talking to my sister. WTF? I'm not allowed to used grammar in this house? I said, "You better stop doing that, you know she doesn't like it when you do that" to my eight-year-old sister. In reference to my sister repeatedly calling my stepmother's name. She turned around and said, don't you call me "she". So uh... was there an operation I wasn't aware of? Then she says just because I'm twenty I think I'm the shit and blah blah blah... Me and my dad filled out my fafsa application today (way to effin late, but that's my dad for you) and I went to ask her how much did she make in 2008 because they wanted that information on my fafsa. And she yelled at me for asking her that. What the hell is her problem? I live w/ the bitchiest woman on earth... can I go back to valpo please?