Apr 10, 2005 20:30
Look, I'm me! If you don't like me for who I am, then fuck you. I'm sick of always being treated badly.
Yeah, I make mistakes, so what? Everyone does. Everyone can't be prefect. And I wish some people would understand that. If you don't like me because I wear a certain color, wear my make up differently, don't do drugs, because I'm honest, because I'm off-beat, or because I'm just not who you want me to be, FINE. But don't be lying about me saying I'm not doing my job correctly. Because I was you fucking bastard of a boss. I'm sick of trying to please you.
And this goes out to everyone else too! I'm fucking sick of you people judging me and saying I don't do everything perfectly. If you want it done perfectly, less see you fucking try. I do my best, end of story. If my best isn't up to your standers then do it your fucking self. Simple as that...
.a.n.d. .w.i.t.h. .t.h.i.s. .g.o.o.d.b.y.e. .I. .s.l.i.t.. m.y. .w.r.i.s.t.s. .o.n.e. .l.a.s.t. .t.i.m.e .