Jul 02, 2010 23:07


Seriously dude. Did you even watch the TV series of Avatar? SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!
Uhm, spoilers? XD

- CASTING: I really didn't mind the whole non-asian thing but these actors were HORRIBLE. They were so stiff and really did not portray the characters how they were meant to be esp. SOKKA! "Ung" did alright for his role and Dev + actor who played Iroh were the best ones in the entire movie.
- RELATIONSHIPS: WHERE'S THAT BEST-FRIENDS-TRIO I WAS EXPECTING?! WORST CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT EVER. General Zhao even had more screen time than Katara/Sokka WTH. The audience could not connect with any of the characters I swear.
- MOMO'S NAME WAS MENTIONED ONCE. ONCE! And it was barely noticeable. Same as APPA!
- M.Night can't write a script, PERIOD. The dialogue was totally cringe-worthy and some lines were just unnecessary.
- M.Night went too fast. He kept moving forward and the transitions were just bad. He skipped so many parts! He could've cut some scenes especially the spirit world& dragon -_- and added more interaction between Sokka/Aang/Katara.
- THE ENDING. WHERE'S MY BIG MONSTER SPIRIT KOI AT?! The Fire Nation just fled away seeing and big wave that did nothing.
- THE BENDING: TOO MANY DANCES MOVES. NOT ENOUGH BENDING. "Ung" had to do like 100 arm movements before any Air came out. Same thing goes for Water and Earth, and Fire. AND FIRE. It was meant to come from within, why did Mnight make it like the rest and had to have it come from a source?!?!?
- ZUKO!. Okay, Dev played him great but the only thing that bugs be was THE HAIR. Okay, I know I totally dislike his Book 1 hair in the TV series, but he has that ugly ponytail for a reason. How are they gonna show him changing next Book when he shaves that thing off?! If there's even gonna be a next movie......... PLEASE NO. If anything. MNight GET OUT.
- There was so much more I disliked but it's too upsetting T-T

- Dev Patel. And "EE-ROH". Their relationship was great and they played their roles well. Well, better than the rest for sure.

This just had to get a post of its own because Avatar is my favorite show of all time and ahhhh. MNIGHT SHAMSDGKAKDGAGKWHSH DIEEEEEEEE.

avatar: last air bender, mnight you suck

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