Day 03 - A picture of what you did today
MOAR PICTURES MOAR PICTURES MOAR PICTURES MOAR PICTURES Today seriously felt like a normal day of school(like I still expect I have homework to do when in reality, I don't lol)... minus all the schoolwork bcos we basically ended yesterday~ I'm sad. I didn't get to take pictures with a lot more people (I had a nice thing going from first period till... second lol. then I failed from 3-5.) & my yearbook still needs signing!!!! Oh well,
I still have Senior Picnic tmr where I swear I will take a bunch of pics with everyone I could lay a hand on! & possibly bring my yearbook too..hoping it won't get ruined :O + I possibly will go to school Monday just to see whoever comes. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG
I'm graduating soon.
+++++ HI LUANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN TRAN-LE! ^__________________________^