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it's kinda sad how everyone's screaming either "plagiarism" or similarities every time one of his songs get released/preview'd out - not saying I didn't think 'Heartbreaker' sounded similar to Flo-Rida but eh(needs full album now). I love The Leaders, Teddy! CL rocks *A* & just seeing GD rap, is so cute D|
+++++ new released pics = GD can pull off almost anything, wtf.
* GOT MY PERMIT TODAY YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES. I know I'm late, but idc lol. As long as I didn't need to do drivers-ed & passed the test on the first try wooooot. The person correcting my test totally didn't believe I was 17 -3-
* Got a haircut/re-dye today - lady still snip'd off pieces when I said KEEP THE LENGTH! - hair color is nice :D
* sacramento/uncles's house this weekend
* less than 2 weeks till Senior year arrives
* My Senior portraits are horrible - hate them
* I still need to lose weight ... must stop going out (my mom was actually not that mad when I came home at 2AM one day this week :D)
* ......... really really really trying to make icons - but it doesn't work boo
* must do some more 'back-to-school' shopping ; I love my mom for taking me SF last Sunday ♥!
* law-suit is still wtf. SMTOWN Summer album is wtf - where's all the girls at?
* DAESUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope he's doing well