Feb 20, 2007 21:20
I'm feeling quite down suddenly and I have no idea why. Maybe it might be that tomorrow the celebrations stop and life as it is starts rolling again, and rolling me along with it as well. It may also be that this festive season has been one remarkably quiet and uneventful one...
It seems that as I get older, the festive season gets duller and duller. Nothing seems interesting anymore and I think this year it seems that I'm not the only one feeling this way. What has normally been a few running nights of mahjong and family gatherings has stopped after just one night. It could be that this year a lot of things have happened - quite a few aunts shifted house, some cousins are pregnant and so on... But there's still that overwhelming feeling that festive celebrations will never be the same anymore.
It's sad really and I wonder if my grandmother is feeling the same too. She is getting really old and yet this new year she's had to bustle around and cook for the whole extended family :( I really wish my work and all won't take up so much of my time. I want to spend as many years more with her as I can...
Sigh... I don't know what to think or feel. Over and out.