Must find a blushing userpic....

May 10, 2009 23:45

Poking at the Hetalia djs right now. A-and...they're okay I guess. Haha, I didn't poke at the explicit ones okay?!? I mean, how could I. Hahaha! They're so pretty man.

Man, if my other fandoms had them safe djs I'd totally read/download them. And yes I pointing at you Zelda. Geeez.

Watched Ghost Hunt at the request of my friend. WHUT. I was scared, but not that scared. But baahh, so lacking.


Hahaha, went to school yesterday and I saw Akira :D T-this time I was sure that I shouldn't be all excited and doki-doki because...just because. It's all one-sided. But ahh, not a chance. He's just so hilarious and amusing~~ And I think my brain just went haywire seeing and talking to him. Again. No sweat this time though XD

Of course, I didn't go to school because of him! (clearly a half-lie) I went there to buy some books for the next school year. It just so happens that the tennis court was near and I'd be bored in the house. So I went there to hang-out.

Damn, he even pinched my face out of nowhere. Which was pretty painful by the way. Weird guy is weird.

Uhhhh. This girly impulses are killing me. And I'm pretty sure you're all sick of hearing this doki-doki shizzz. Hahaha! So excuse the cheese.

doki doki

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