Terrible, terrible, terrible!

May 06, 2009 18:30

I told myself that I won't finish it, but I did. I endured every single scene and managed to finish it, but there's no closure. My fangirl heart somewhat needs more. Oh my god. This is catastrophic. Catastrophic indeed.

*long heavy sigh* WTF SELF. Well anyways, since I'm just so freakin' mind-scarred by that show, I'm currently rehabilitating with Hetalia, K-ON!, and Honey and Clover. You know, just to forget about such things. I sincerely hope it works.

B-but I have to admit. It was a great story ;A; I'm such a sucker for cheesy shoujo stories and this filled that. WTF. It's just that it's BL and stuff, but it was great.

I'm typing as coherently and as composed as possible but I don't think I can't keep up. Oh gawd. Oh mah gawd.

IN OTHER UNRELATED NEWS! Wheeee! I managed to finish my recital piece! It's just that I need to practice more so that I won't press the wrong keys or anything. Hahahaha!!! Isn't that great???

Man, I have the urge the play Twilight Princess again. OH TEEN!LINK ♥♥♥♥

On last thing, would it be cool with you guys if I transferred journals?? WTFBBQ I-I just want a change of name that's all!!! But...what do you guys think? Would it be okay with you???

wtf man

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