Spring is Good~

Apr 08, 2009 22:17

Flist, I didn't know that most of you still doesn't have Spring Break ;A; OHGAWD, hang in there!!! School is almost done so like...hang in there~~ *hugs flist*

Anyways, there are actually some pretty good animes this season and I'm so tuning in~~ ♥

I just hope that I can keep up with all these things. XDDD~ Lololol, SCHEDULE TIEMZZZ!!! For everybody interested, here's a list of the upcoming titles this Spring. Actually, there are some really promising animes in that list...so...I'm checking them out :D

Unrelated news is unrelated (and late to boot), but we have Super Smash Brothers Brawl!! ♥♥♥♥♥ Me and my sibs are having the brawl mode and dudeeee, we are having fun! Though I sorta wished we had 2 more so that all four of us can play :D But man, it's like having a party!

On another unrelated note, I wanna rename. But I has no moolah to do so D: Too bad ;______;

wtf man, spam, boredom, random

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