
Mar 27, 2009 10:18

Yesterday was 'supposedly' the last day of school where everyone cries and laughs and all the RL dramu stuff you do when you leave for summer. (i.e. friends leaving for somewhere, an adviser you will surely miss, etc.)

BUT NO. Our teachers, being the sadists that they are, screwed everything up by giving us heavy clearance work to deal with - having a test and writing some formal themes. You would say that it would be easy BUT NO. It wasn't easy.

Math: Our teacher taught us a new lesson...after the periodical test! I mean, he's teaching us stuff when all our brains are ready for summer - too tried to think, too ready for summer - that we can't think of anything else. Besides, our brains are too full that no new knowledge can be placed there. Worst part? He said that we need to answer some problems just to get our clearance signed.

The test came and nobody was prepared. Who would be? OH YEAH, SOME CRAB IN OUR CLASSROOM WHO THINKS SHE'S ALL THAT. Unfortunately, no one made the cut(including me)so we have to retake on Monday. Think about it, we are going to school again and waste money for fare, snacks, and stuff just because of MATH.

English: After that frickin' Math test, our terrific English teacher came in carrying lots of papers. Just as I predicted, we are going to write some formal theme shizz. Oh sure, you just recopy everything on a clean bondpaper and you're done. Again, the world just loves to prove us wrong. A debate speech and some essay, which has about 3-4 pages, is to be written in a span of 2-3 hours...in cursive/long hand, no erasures, follow all the instructions, all that shizz.

The problems? We went home very late because of this that we are past the school curfew, only to know that we will return on Monday...again. Second, if she finds our work dirty, she will return it and write the whole freakin' thing again. Third, the instructions given where soooo unclear that what we were doing might be wrong, might be right. Fourth, she could have given us this workload few days ago when we asked to come to school but didn't do anything! Lastly, our teacher wasn't there to guide us because she was freakin' busy with some PARTY. WTF MAN.

So..what happens to a good-two-shoes pilot section when there's a lot of pressure on our backs. THE TRUE COLORS COME OUT OF COURSE. Every was cussing like nobody's business. Dissing our Math teacher on how an ass he is. Dissing our English teacher on how unproportioned her body looks. EVERYTHING CAME OUT AND IT WAS BAD. VERY BAD.

Best part? We didn't regret everything we just said. Sure we complained, but being the multi-tasking bitches that we are, we wrote and complained. NOW AIN'T THAT DANDY?


Now, off to cool my head by finding Zelda fanarts (if you guys know any, pleased to be sharing some sites )

wtf man, this is outrage

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